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Current Build: Version: 8.117.9179.32935 | Build Date/Time: 2/17/2025 6:17:50 PM
2/19/2025 - Version 8.117
Detailed Points scoresheet now flags a scorecard if the points have been overridden by the league administrator.
When editing the schedule manually, admin can sort the list of players by name in addition to player number.
When setting the schedule, if a course only has a front 9, automatically select the side
E-mail templates for the Premium E-mail Add-on. Allows the admin to create a template which can be reused over and over when sending an e-mail.
2/7/2025 - Version 8.116
New "Find a course" feature when adding new courses. Allows admins to search the GLT database for a course already entered. Then they can copy that course to their own league and make whatever changes necessary.
Added an "Export All Data" for league admins.
Fix to the Handicap Equity Net Scoring calculation. This happened when a league when from a 9 hole league to an 18 hole league.
1/11/2025 - Version 8.115
Various UI tweaks and updates.
Added a 10 day grace period for returning Handicap Leagues so they don't have to get payment in on Jan 1. They will have a Jan 1 - Jan 10 "free" period.
Removed a cart type option for scramble leagues which didn't apply. The drop down didn't affect anything and only confused matters
12/8/2024 - Version 8.114
New setting: Maximum strokes given in a match for the low net score in head to head match. There is already a separate setting for max strokes given for a match play match.
New warnings on various standings reports if not all points have been recorded. Standings are never "official" until points are recorded.
Player number on printed scorecards. This now makes it consistent with the team scorecards which include the team number
Best Ball vs the Field Points may have been inaccurate if a player is less than a 0 handicap.
11/20/2024 - Version 8.113
New feature to manage league groups with some automated tools
Force a log out/in when certain settings are changed.
Added scoring input validation to prevent or warn about possible invalid scores from being entered.
11/3/2024 - Version 8.112
Allow GHIN handicap update of 1 player when the new player is added
For those with Custom Dates, added an option to sets a blank or added round to the last available date (which is 1 year max span time).
Added option to e-mail players when a manual sub request reservation is made.
Scramble League improvements to remove Gender from tee box. Since a team entry can be male/female, it doesn't make sense to add a tee box assignment.
10/21/2024 - Version 8.111
Added a Tee Box filter for the Course Statistics report.
Added more tooltips for the Player Scoring summary on the home page dashboard. Each tooltip now includes the round, date, course, side.
Added missing Title and Export header to the Low Net Summary report.
Added a new option to manually sort the players added to the live scoring screen. This gives the user the opportunity to put the players in order to match a printed scorecard
Player Course Handicap and Matrix report - Added the option of selecting individual players instead of just a group of players.
Average Net score computed incorrectly in the handicap equity report for leagues who play multiple courses.
When editing a custom contest, the checkbox for "use hole" was not being set properly.
individual Ppoints Results Full Season report was not sorting properly when a user would change the aggregate from Sum to Average and the report was refreshed
When the "course" was scheduled for an individual player league, the opposing player was not being displayed as being valid for a sub request.
The decimal precision in the Individual Point Summary report was not being determined properly.
9/1/2024 - Version 8.110
Added "docx" as a valid file type to attach to emails.
If a league had all men, and the admin changed the tee box to female, added validation to report this as a problem and that further setup was required.
Added a browser tech support page which reports on browser technical info (type, version, etc)
The last score entry date remembered is now league specific, to help those who run more than 1 league
For 18 hole leagues, entering historical scores would give an invalid rating no matter the value entered.
Removed previously cancelled rounds from the list of available dates in the Manage Rainout function
8/18/2024 - Version 8.109
The scorecard printing options are now remembered on a league ID basis. This helps players who run more than 1 league set their options and have them remembered for each league.
The "Upcoming schedule" in the league standings wasn't skipping over cancelled rounds, so it would show the schedule of previous rounds.
Error when saving skins pot when there is no data to save.
Expired sub requests sometimes weren't showing when the sub request screen was refreshed.
Error in Team Season Point details. Occurred when the report was pulled up and a team hadn't yet played.
Individual Point Summary screen not refreshing properly
The hole number in the Custom Contests is not reported correctly for courses which don't start with hole number 1.
Error in season long points report when a league used to use league groups but then deleted 1 or more groups.
Historical scores screen not refreshed properly when choosing a player who didn't have any scores entered.
The league settings change history had a performance problem and was slow to display. Fixed with database optimizations/indexes.
6/2/2024 - Version 8.107
Add By Group to live scoring instead of selecting by a single player.
Player Payments update. Add comment to a payment
New Payment Provider option to enter credit card directly rather than thru paypal
System rebuild of all image gallery thumbnails from original image to increase resolution
Increased length of the skins dollar amount field
"Randomness" wasn't very random when generating schedule.
Copy Schedule from one round to another not working in properly when the "course" is scheduled.
5/18/2024 - Version 8.106
New Widget: Image Gallery Widget
"Most Improved" additional option to follow USGA methodology
Check for Male/Female when adding players and give a warning if different from what is currently in system.
Image gallery improvements
Scorecard message not being added to the player-generated scorecards
Improvements to handicap percent verification to give a warning when both handicap percent and handicap allowance less than 1
Fix to WLT Standings when there are no scores for a player
5/5/2024 - Version 8.105
In the Team Season Long Point Detail, added an "average" column
Individual Stroke Play Results Report - For 18 hole leagues, added a gross/net score for both front and back 9 holes.
Added a "resend" button on the e-mail log page to allow a user to pull up the same message and sent it to another group of players.
New Skins Feature: "Skins Multiplier". Allows the admin to set up a multiplier for the number of skins won based on score type (eagle, birdie, par, etc). This allows you to give a bonus to those making birdie skins, for example, and have them to be counted a 2 skins instead of 1 (or whatever multiplier you choose).
Added a check for split tee times to make sure an even number of rounds are set.
Fixed an issue with live scoring which wasn't flagging the "confirm scores" flag for that scorecard, allowing the admin to bypass the process.
Fixed an issue in the image gallery which didn't allow files with an uppercase file extension to be uploaded.
The link from the schedule page to "E-mail Scheduled Players" to the e-mail screen wasn't working properly, and wasn't preselecting that round when sending the e-mail.
"Extended League" option not being preselected when a league had more than 30 rounds or 100 players when purchasing.
Error when retrieving points in live scoring leaderboard under certain circumstances, when only 1 player in the match had his score entered and match play points are configured.
4/18/2024 - Version 8.104
Added player type to the handicap reports.
New page break option for scorecards. You can now turn off the forced break, or allow a break after 1, 2, 3, or 4 pages. The browser will still break where needed to fit the contents on the page with the selected scaling options.
Added option when calculating handicaps to reset players without a score history to N/A
Changed validation for e-mails when a user signs up to allow more than 1 trial league if user is a past customer
Change Previous season message so as to allow user to view the contents but not making any changes.
Sending an e-mail without a message was causing an error. Validation now occurs to tell the user a message must be typed
4/8/2024 - Version 8.103
Added the "Hamburger" menu for "export" for the Administrative Scheduling reports which didn't have one.
Added "League Group" column to the Administrative Average Starting Group report for leagues with league groups
Improvements to the image gallery allows pasting of image links into the news, rules, and email section inline
New feature when assigning tees, is a "assign tees by all", where the admin can pick a tee box for a course and it will assign all players to that tee, either for men or women, if more than 1 tee box exists.
Added the hamburger "export" menu in the Handicap Calculation details report
Removed "back 9" from handicap report when course only has 9 holes.
Changed the warnings in admin when you change something which may break something else. Warning now is a popup dialog for some of the more important issues.
Fixed "Rogue sub request" issue. This occurs when a sub reservation is made, then the regular player is no longer scheduled for the round.
Auto generate schedule causing an error when trying to schedule just 1 group for leagues which use League Groups
Live leaderboard causing an exception when a league uses a shotgun start.
3/29/2024 - Version 8.102
Segment break display when viewing the schedule.
Added +5 to the list of max score for each hole
New scheduling option: When a league has two League Groups of the same size, you can now schedule rounds so the groups play against each other.
When auto generating the schedule, if a schedule already exists, the system pre-sets the course/side automatically based on the current schedule.
Sub request was not deleting under certain circumstances.
Sub request was not showing the course info under certain circumstances.
3/16/2024 - Version 8.101
New scoring options for Stableford format for 18 hole leagues (separate points for front/back as well as individuals and teams)
A new league signup now required an e-mail verification. This will help prevent scrupulous account creation.
The skins summary in the league standings would show a blank name for older rounds if the player was made inactive since that round was played.
3/13/2024 - Version 8.100
Segment break indicator when using the Auto Generate Schedule
Fields for course name and teebox name added for score history import.
Prevent Extended League option from being accidentally purchased on a previous season.
Fix to scorecards line break for 18-hole leagues when printing landscape.
Auto scheduler not optimizing matchups for a whist tournament under certain circumstances.
3/11/2024 - Version 8.99
Add search box for league settings
WLT report for team leagues, but show the WLT on an individual basis.
Increased the length of the Points by Position to a max of 8000 characters. Previous max was 200.
Tee box name was being displayed on scorecards even though league had only 1 tee box entered.
Changed logic to prompt admin for required settings.
Schedule Widget was showing NULL for course name when a schedule isn't set.
Assign by Tee Names wasn't working under certain circumstances.
Skins pot when using League Group for skins wasn't displaying properly in the standings under certain circumstances.
2/21/2024 - Version 8.98
Rainouts: Added an option to add a 2nd round to the schedule on the same date rather than extend the league
Improvement to the Score Import to verify scores which are "out of the norm"
Error when trying to print cart signs when no schedule exists.
Payment widget not being update when admin is changing the payment entries.
2/8/2024 - Version 8.97
Capability to e-mail individual league groups.
Fixed a bug which was having a problem generating a schedule for those purchasing schedules only.
1/31/2024 - Version 8.96
Allow emailing of individual players
When importing scores, cleanup and validation of bad data is now flagged better. This will result in more consistent data being uploaded (e.g. a score of "0" previously was allowed, now it is rejected).
Fixed "Rogue" sub requests, where a player would have a sub reservation, but then the player was removed from the schedule. There was no way to delete that sub request until now.
Fixed the import when a field would have an invalid value
1/24/2024 - Version 8.95
New "Use League Group for Net Skins Option". The old setting has been broken out into both separate NET and GROSS settings. Existing leagues who use this setting have been preset so both are set the same, but they can change it now going foward
Tweaked the League Standings so that "Score type" is remembered on a page reload. Also hide/show the net/gross skins now hides the summary boxes as well.
1/20/2024 - Version 8.94
Behind the scenes web crawler to generate the sitemap on the fly.
1/15/2024 - Version 8.93
"Force a setting" feature. Allows the system to require a response from the league administrator for specific settings.
In the Point Settings page, made the columns show the same info as the general settings page.
Standardized the trial period for handicap only leagues to 10 scores per player.
Changed the Handicap Only test leagues from copying to the new season. Instead the season number is updated to the current year.
1/12/2024 - Version 8.92
Added a telephone format option in the league settings.
Change the Cart Sign creation into PDF files
Changed copy league logic for older leagues so that if a season was skipped, the correct year number is determined.
"Change League ID" wasn't changing all references of the id, which caused the "forgot password" function to fail sometimes.
Standings by Group widget would cause an error under certain circumstances
After payment, the Return page URL was broken. Fixed the bad link
1/1/2024 - Version 8.91
Added an "export" function for the player list in the administrative section.
Added functionality to hide certain columns from export that don't really apply to exporting data, such as the "Edit" or "Image" button in the player list. This will help clean up export data.
Added link in the schedule if a player has an image
Auto Generate not randomizing weeks from 2023 to 2024. This bug was recently introduced.
12/10/2023 - Version 8.90
New scheduling logic for individual player leagues! If the number of players in your league is divisible by 4 and you have 100 players or less, the auto scheduler creates an optimal schedule so that not only will each player will be paired AGAINST each an equal number of times (which the system already did) it will pair the players so they play WITH each player an equal number of times as much as possible. Note that things like tee time priorities take precedence over pairings.
10/21/2023 - Version 8.89
Added a warning to the League Setup section to indicate to the admin that the league appears to have ended, and changes shouldn't be made to the league setup. This may be locked down in the future if admins continue to mess up their league setup for a completed season
Print Blank Scorecards function! Now a dedicated function to print blank cards for your outings or other uses.
When entering scores, the system remembers the last round you chose rather than defaulting to the "next day to be played".
Added warnings/info when adding "Dates to include" in the league dates, as well as limited the date range between the start and end of the league.
CSV Export not saving to the proper file name. This appears to have broken based on an update to Chromium based browsers in their October 13th update:
Change in how standings are sorted. If there is a tie, the system looks at who was leading the previous week and places them first amongst those tied. This gives a standard way to displaying the players/teams
9/24/2023 - Version 8.88
Added League Group to Individual Season Point Detail
New Report: Handicap Differential Report
Added "Net score" to player scoring summary report
In the "Copy Schedule from One Round to Another" function, prevent selecting a blank round to copy from.
Changed the Rainout functionality. Now you select the date, and the system will tell you if you can cancel and/or move the round.
Sorting in League Standings tweaked to sort tied teams by their "last week" position.
Image Gallery - Higher image resolutions for saved images!
Sub Reservation Enhancement - Allow an administrator to add a sub manually for a player who has an active sub request.
When adding blank round with split tee times, the additional round date was sometimes calculated incorrectly
Image Gallery - Some images not loading when clicking upon.
Fixed error in Auto Generate schedule when an admin tries to auto generate a schedule for only "fun nights".
Course Handicap report and matrix erroneously apply maximum league amounts to the results. The report should be raw data.
8/28/2023 - Version 8.87
Add hole score in the skins detail report.
Image Gallery - Allow sorting by date or title.
Score Import Options - Added option to ignore duplicate date or to update duplicated data. Duplicate is determined by the player's name and date
Player List - Added Venmo, paypal, and zelle fields in the player info. To be only displayed to the league administrator at this point in time.
Sub Reservation - If a player makes a sub request and it is not filled, show that player as "Absent" on the schedule, scorecards, and cart signs. Does not affect scoring, and the player could still show up and play and have a score entered.
Skins Summary - When a league plays for a fixed pot, remove the "owed" column from the report, since it doesn't apply.
Image Gallery - Changed how the images are displayed in the thumbnails based on browser resolution.
Added a confirmation when user is running the Manage Rainout to prevent the wrong date and/or multiple dates from being rained out when that wasn't their intention
Image Gallery - Album filtering not working properly
If trying to edit the schedule for a single round, if the "course" is schedule for more than 1 group, the user might not be able to edit the matches for that group.
Upcoming schedule widget not displaying the correct matches due to a caching issue.
Live scoring - Starting hole is being reset when adding players to the foursome.
Standings by League Group Widget not loading properly.
Scorecard Generation - The Tee Box option was not working properly under certain circumstances. Also added another option to the list of how tee boxes should be displayed.
Live scoring - When a round is cancelled due to a rainout, the following round wasn't available in the list of rounds to enable for live scoring.
8/5/2023 - Version 8.86
Ability to send e-mail to scheduled players while looking at the schedule for a given round
Changed how number of players setting is verified based on league type and individual/2 person team leagues.
Scoring History Summary - Footer wasn't being refreshed properly when changing filter.
Error occurred when deleting a course under certain circumstances
Live scoring - Total score not displayed upon initial load of the scoring
7/29/2023 - Version 8.85
Added warning banner when logged into previous seasons.
Standings By League Group Report - When 2 player teams, give option to show by team in addition to individual player.
Stableford Best Ball Setting option - When playing stableford with 2 player teams, the option to award points to the team for best stableford point rather than each individual player point
Allow hyperlinks in the player e-mail form
Redirect Contest Sign page for handicap only league, as this page doesn't apply to that account type.
Code optimization to improve memory usage, which increases overall performance of the system.
"Record all points" was being shown for unconfirmed rounds. Removed this until all rounds are entered and confirmed
Cart sign page break showing in the wrong place when the Info Alert box was displayed.
Player Image Upload - When dragging photo, system wasn't checking to make sure photo was a valid type. Would cause an error if user tried to save the profile.
7/16/2023 - Version 8.84
Handle sub requests when a player type changes from regular to sub or vice versa. Sub requests would be lost in the "void" if an outstanding request existed and a player type was changed.
Added a "Clear schedule" button when editing a schedule for a single round.
Put a limit of number of scores retrieved when retrieving historical scores.
"Copy Schedule" causing an error under certain circumstances.
When changing a score entry from "course" to a player, the HDCP checkbox was not automatically checked. This change automatically sets the checkbox.
Set course/side for all rounds had an error if a blank round was added mid-season and the schedule wasn't set for it.
Horizontal scrolling on Enter Scores scrolling poorly on some mobile devices.
Handicap Equity report slope value not displayed correctly
Team Best Ball Stroke play results Group Filter not working.
League Standings error for leagues who play more than 2 courses on a single date, and certain standings settings set.
Round Summary widget sort by date not ordering properly.
6/26/2023 - Version 8.83
New warning for Handicap %/Handicap Allocation settings when both are set to something other than 100%. This is an unusual scenario and deserves a warning since many leagues have mistakenly set two handicap percentages in not understanding the difference.
Updated e-mail log cleanup routine to perform better.
Live Scoring updates to handle some internals more gracefully if a player exited live scoring and went back in for the same round.
When adding a sub on the fly, if someone tries to add a player who was already in the system, the screen just flashed and no warning or error came up. I fixed it so the appropriate message is displayed to inform them of why the duplicate player could not be saved.
The course handicap on the schedule was sometimes not correct depending on a number of unique values for 3 or 4 difference settings. It was correct on the scorecard and when entering scores, however.
6/18/2023 - Version 8.82
Performance updates across the board. The caching mechanism
Contest Winner performance optimizations. Rewrote query to retrieve the winners.
E-mail Status page caused an error if user navigated directly to it somehow. Handled the scenario gracefully and redirected the user directly to the e-mail log
6/9/2023 - Version 8.81
New Report - League Handicap Report. Shows each player's handicap for each round in a single screen.
Record all Points function. You can now "record all points" for all groups at one time (for a single round), as well as clear out all points for all groups
Warning dialog when someone unchecks the HDCP checkbox when entering scores.
Warning Dialog - Pops up when someone unchecks the "show in standings" checkbox in the Player/Team assignments (step 6).
When "carry over scores" is set to NO, player handicaps are no longer copied to the new season. This unifies the idea of leagues who have carry over set to NO also want to reestablish handicaps for the new season
Live Scoring enhancements: Reduced the number of round trips to the server when doing live scoring.
Improved performance of report Stats - Player Scoring Summary
The Skins summary not filtered properly under certain circumstances (split tee times, 2 league groups, league groups playing on opposite sides) in the League Standings.
If a user has live scoring pulled up, and refreshes the website, depending on various circumstances, the display won't show what scores he's already entered.
5/28/2023 - Version 8.80
Added Round/Segment drop down to Player Scoring Summary
Cart Signs for Scramble Teams showing 2 teams on 1 sign
When the player/team assignment changes are done for more than 1 week and course is used as a place holder, the course name was displayed multiple times in the match up list.
When choosing players/teams in Edit Schedule, the highlighting wasn't working when a player is deselected after being previously selected.
5/14/2023 - Version 8.79
New Point Setting: Gross Score vs Par (setting 258)
New Widget: Standings by League Group
Logic change for Net Skins for negative handicapped players: If the league has a max number of strokes set to 0 (for par 3s, for example), it also will zero out the number of strokes for negative handicapped players, even though technically the negative player doesn't "get" strokes, but has strokes added to his score.
Error when deleting a course under certain circumstances
Low Man Net Scores in the Detailed Points Scoresheet was showing blanks for Best Ball.
Inability to delete unused League Groups
When adding Detailed Points Scoresheet as a Custom Report, system would get into a redirect loop under certain circumstances.
5/3/2023 - Version 8.78
New Point Settings - Maximum points when playing the course.
Added search functionality for the "How-To" section
Added a warning when sending an e-mail from a season which is not your latest. Prevents sending to the wrong player list.
Added validation for Handicap Field on the score entry screen to prevent out of range values from being entered.
Streamlined the "Add Content Winner" to allow a "save and add another" where the round and contest selected was retained. Also removed the manual entry of the Course selection and automatically gathered that information from the round number.
Removed the automatic removal of columns when viewing the player list on mobile devices, and allow the user to scroll horizontally to see all the information.
Changed the GLT News section so it loads when page is rendered so it reduces "flashing" and moving of items on the admin screen.
More informative and functional message to the user when their session expires.
Move Rainout button was disabled unless you changed the move date.
Review Scores/Live Leaderboard display only one of the two rounds when using split tee times on the same course.
Custom Report for Detailed Points Scoresheet would get into an endless refresh loop.
4/22/2023 - Version 8.77
New interface for Edit Schedule for a Single round. In addition to the dropdown for each player/team, the user can now type in a search term to find the entry.
Allow league admin to change league login id
When viewing league standings for split tee times, and "combine like dates", the standings for the first of the two rounds were not being displayed.
Shading for individual player league schedule was "off" when a group was only 2 players.
League Checkup false positive. Checkup rules wouldn't reset for schedule check if the player count was reduced.
Review Scores was showing "undefined" rather than the hole par.
When clicking on "assign tees" from the player list for a sub, the site would bounce back to the player list immediately.
4/15/2023 - Version 8.76
New Report: Player pairing report. Give a count of how many times a player played with another player
Fix to league scoring average report averages.
Fix to password reset. The password wouldn't change if the player switched to a different season and then tried to change it.
4/5/2023 - Version 8.75
Live leaderboard enhancements: breaks into separate segments for multiple courses, scrolling will keep the column headers in view
Changed some internals to handle error reporting for browsers with more info
Improvement to algorithm for "balanced" tee times when generating the schedule.
Scoring History summary footer issue on refresh
Player payments not updating correctly when editing a payment then adding a new one.
3/25/2023 - Version 8.74
Handicap Rounding Option: Added a new option to how handicaps are rounded so that they can be rounded "UP" for negative values (-1.5 rounds to -1) rather than the default "Away From Zero" (-1.5 rounds to -2)
Issue with setting teams when an existing league changes from an individual player league to a 2-person team league
Improved hole handicap validation for tee box entry as well as limiting the values which can be entered.
Problem with live leaderboard when a league is playing split tee times (2 rounds on 1 day) at two different courses.
3/18/2023 - Version 8.73
Option when printing cards to only print the tee boxes which are assigned within a league
For leagues with more than 1 course, give an option to assign tees by like names. E.g. if you have 4 courses with "blue" tees, you could assign by the name "blue". Tee box names must match exactly
In the tee box assignment screen, give the option to filter players by Regular, Sub, and inactive in order to reduce the length of the player list displayed
Scorecard option to show only tees used on a card wasn't working when the choice to always display all tee boxes
When sending 2 attachments in e-mail, sometimes one attachment would be attached twice under certain circumstances
Upcoming schedule widget not display properly when season was finished for leagues with split tee times.
3/11/2023 - Version 8.72
Added "Net Triple bogey" option to Hole Stroke Limits
Updated the Schedule Grid admin report to allow highlighting of a specific week or empty cells
Improved the logic of the "balanced" schedule type so that tee times are more evenly balanced
Upcoming Schedule widget wouldn't display last round properly for split tee time leagues after the season ended
The Schedule Distribution admin report miscalculated number of times each player/team played on each side.
The Player Delete icon wasn't showing properly for players with no score history under certain circumstances
Individual Stroke Play Results showing an error when no scores were entered.
Delete Course would cause an error under certain circumstances
3/5/2023 - Version 8.71
Added a manual sort option for league admins for the Custom Report list
When using League Groups and the Auto Set Pairings for a Single Round, added an option to filter the player/team list by League Group, and display the league group next to the names.
Fixed an error which would occur in the Individual Stroke Play Results which would happen when a league had no schedule set.
Fixed an issue when deleting a course from the system.
2/26/2023 - Version 8.70
Custom Reports: Gives the ability for an administrator to generate a report, and save it as a "Custom" report for the league, with all the settings/filters pre-selected
Handicap Only League: When adding scores using the "Generate Scoresheet" function, if the user generated a sheet, then changed the course, the sheet is now regenerated automatically rather than depending on the user to click the "Generate" button.
1/21/2023 - Version 8.69
Scoring average for 18 hole leagues updated to include average of front and back 9 (instead of just total)
Added course information when in the Manage Rainout function
Performance optimization when editing a single round for leagues who have a bunch of courses (20+).
Improved the flow of course entry if someone is entering a duplicate course.
The My Payments section wasn't showing the league add-on payments.
12/18/2022 - Version 8.68
27 Hole Support. When entering 27 hole courses as a 9 hole league, each should be entered as separate 9 holes. This feature allows the user to choose the "starting hole" for the set of 9, starting with hole 1, 10, or 19. All other subsequent score entries and reports which display hole numbers are then adjusted automatically to display the correct hole numbers.
12/9/2022 - Version 8.67
Ability to find a single player to enter scores for on the score entry screen
Add sub info in the Matchups screen when choosing the group to enter scores for.
Added a Gross Total column for 18 hole leagues for the Individual Stroke Play Results - By Round report
Speed improvements of Scoring Summary report
11/19/2022 - Version 8.66
3d-printing information section
Updated player participation report to report on subs
Internal administrative functions
Verify league contact info. Every 90 days league admins will have to click on a "verify" link to verify their contact information.
Bad link when trying to retrieve WLT Summary Standings
Change the Standings by Position report so it notifies user when a league doesn't have any standings available.
Print scorecards causing an error when no players have a handicap.
11/1/2022 - Version 8.65
Updated the logic for copying a league to the new season
10/16/2022 - Version 8.64
Converted remaining old style reports to new API method for standardization and better performance.
Report standardizations and style fixes.
9/18/2022 - Version 8.63
League name to the contest signs
Standings up/down arrow indicator along with "last week" position
New Report - League Standings Position Chart. This graph shows the position of each TOP "x" (e.g. current top 4 teams) team, along with their position for each week in the season or segment.
Player Handicap Report - For 9 hole leagues, show an 18 hole handicap, and vice versa for 18 hole leagues.
The Win/Loss/Tie column sorting was not sorting properly.
League Scoring Average Report - When choosing the Front 9 or Back 9, the net/gross average score column was not being displayed.
9/5/2022 - Version 8.62
New Feature - Contest Sign Generation. Generate a PDF of contest signs, such as Closest to the Pin, Long Drive, etc, which can be sized to go into one of the common proximity marker signs.
Insured all reports are Last Name, First Name
"Tee Display" option in Scorecards wasn't remembered
"SWAP" setting was not remembered when using live scoring.
8/26/2022 - Version 8.61
New Dashboard feature: Allow the user to hide or show each panel in the dashboard. The last known state is remembered for that browser.
Pre-select the next league date when sending email to a scheduled list of players
Added course side to the cart signs
Remember the "Collate" option when printing scorecards, just as all other settings on that screen are remembered.
8/19/2022 - Version 8.60
Changed the message for a sub request when there are no players scheduled for a round to clarify why there are no players.
Presetn user a warning when generating scorescards if they choose an older round.
Fix to the Position clumn number when players/teams are hidden from the league standings.
Improved the "swap" function for 2-player teams.
Edit schedule for a single round - eliminate the "get schedule" button and retrieve the schedule automatically when the round is changed.
8/12/2022 - Version 8.59
Copy Schedule from one round to another feature. Allows admins to easily duplicate rounds.
New Setting - Handicap Percent for Subs. Allows a separate handicap % set for substitutes. By default it is set to -1, which tells the system to use the same value as the "Handicap Percent" setting
When a sub request is made, indicate specifically the user if no players are schedule for a given round, rather than having a generic "no players available" message.
"Next tip" option not working for some leagues.
When uploading images, the file type check was case sensitive and wouldn't allow a .JPG file to be uploaded (vs a .jpg file)
8/5/2022 - Version 8.58
Revamps how the "Swap matchup" option works for 2-player team leagues. There is now a manual "swap" button on both the scorecard entry and the record points screen
Greatly improved performance for retrieving the schedule for 2-player teams
Player Participation Detail Report sort by date not sorting properly
When the "Edit Skin Contestants" screen is refreshed, such as by choosing an older round, the totals at the bottom were not being refreshed until a change was made
When a league has "Custom Dates", if they add a date out of order at the end, after saving the dates weren't sorting properly.
League Standings report - If a different round was chosen than the latest, the "Skins Legend" section was not being refreshed
"Cancel Sub Request" link taking the user to the wrong cancel page on the site
Player Score Distribution report - graph not refreshing/displaying
7/4/2022 - Version 8.57
New Admin Report - Gross score average vs net score average vs points won.
Ability to list changes to settings, i.e. an "audit log".
Added an "average" footer row to the "Stroke Play Results - Full Season" report.
Added options for the "WLT Standings" widget, to show by segment or season
When uploading a picture to the image gallery, the date is defaulted to the date on the file.
Increased font size in sub requests slightly
In the initial Sub Request E-mail to the originating player (before validation), added a "cancel" link to the request so the player can cancel the sub request before validating
Scoring summary chart not loading in certain circumstances
Bad URL to the "leaderboard" link in the Stats section, when living scoring is turned on
In the "League scoring average" report, the report didn't load properly if the course name had a hashtag (pound sign #) in it.
When the "course" was scheduled for a player, the "enter scores" screen wouldn't be displayed properly in certain circumstances
6/19/2022 - Version 8.56
New Report and Widget: Player Scoring Summary. Shows Birdies/pars/bogies, etc.
Option in scorecard printing to only print cards with the teeboxes which are used for each scorecard.
Added a "total score" column to live scoring
Added a database check if a team/player was assigned to more than 1 team/player. This is normally handled in the browser, but this is an added layer of checking
The "reply-to" email address from the system sub requests changed to a non-existent email. For some reason, some players "reply" to the sub request instead of following the instructions in the e-mail.
Display and styling tweaks and improvements
The scoring summary graph widget sometimes didn't "redraw" correctly.
"Team Totals" format would cause an error in the Detailed Points Scoresheet if live scoring was enabled, and the score of only 1 out of the 2 players on a team was entered.
Skins carry over not calculated/set properly under some circumstances.
The player list was showing a horizontal scrollbar of a couple of pixels when it shouldn't
Document widget sort by title
"Out of date schedule" check was broken if the league length was reduced after creating the schedule.
Handicap History chart not displaying after last graphing component update
If a sub request was already accepted, and a player tried to accept the same request, a proper message wasn't displayed to the sub. Changed it so an informative message was displayed.
The WLT Standings report would show an error if the "course" was assigned to the 4th spot in individual player leagues.
Zeros and negative numbers would not be displayed in the league standings (such as for Net Score). This displays those values properly
5/30/2022 - Version 8.55
WLT Report: Added an option for 4 pts for win, 2 pts for a tie.
Increased usability to the Edit Schedule for a Single Round screen. Added a "Save Schedule and Next Round" button so a user can go from one round to another.
Updated the "Rgraph" library, which is the charting component for some reports.
Added more file types for file attachment default filter.
The schedule wasn't displaying properly when the "Course" was scheduled to a group.
Error in the "standings by group" when there were no scores entered.
An old scorecard can be displayed incorrectly when a player is taken from being a sub and made a regular player.
Detailed Points Scoresheet NULL error when some point values didn't exist.
When printing scorecards, if there's a missing tee time, an error would occur. Instead of an error, default to noon.
5/22/2022 - Version 8.54
New check to see if schedule is "out of date". This happens when a schedule is generated at the start of the season, then the league administrator reduces the number of players/team, and forget to regenerate the schedule. The schedule is left with players in it which no longer exist.
Check to make sure each course has a default tee box, and set one if it doesn't exist. A default tee box is necessary so the system knows which tee a player should be assigned to.
Dynamic pricing for invoicing, which will handle price changes.
Report "League scoring average" for 18 hole leagues not reported properly.
5/15/2022 - Version 8.53
New Feature: Show or hide a player/team in the league standings. Go to Step 6 of your League Setup, and starting with a specific round, you can turn on or off the ability to include the player or team in your league standings.
Display update: In the Detailed Points scoresheet, include a "sub" label next to the player's name if a sub.
New Theme: Monochome. Makes everything greyscale, and include circles and squares for birdies/bogies on the league standings.
In the "League Scoring Summary" report, added options to break out the report by course and by round.
When editing an old scorecard which had a sub, but now turned regular player, the sub's name was not appearing in the sub list for that week, making it look like the score was entered under the originally scheduled player's name.
5/1/2022 - Version 8.52
Button to "Edit League Rules" from the League Rules page, only seen for league administrators
An "eye" icon in the password field of login. Click that and it allows you to see what you've typed for the password.
Administrative Report: Schedule Distribution. Found in the scheduling section, this will show the number of times each player or team is playing a specific course and side.
New Report: Low Net and Gross Score Summary. This replaces the legacy "Low net" report. The new report gives more options, is faster, and conforms to the same standards as most of the other reports
Bad link to the League Standings after last update
When assigning player numbers, if they were already set, and you clicked "Autofill" again, the active/inactive flag for each player would not reset properly.
Bonus Points for Showing Up: Handle the situation when 1 player is playing for both teammates, in that the player should only get a single instance of points for "showing up".
When editing the contest results for a contest recorded in feet and inches, the retrieved value to edit showed a decimal value rather than feet/inches
Cart Sign Page break fix. The cart signs were executing a page break after the odd numbered cart signs rather than the even numbered signs.
4/23/2022 - Version 8.50
New Admin Report: Starting Tee Time report. Will give you the average group number for each player or team
Eagle/birdie/par/bogey highlight colors in the live leaderboard.
When scheduling a league that isn't a multiple of 4 players (e.g. 14 players), the auto scheduler now places the twosome in the first group.
The "Move Scores to another side" function was not working properly when a league had skins associated with that round
4/17/2022 - Version 8.49
Added country selection to weather widget, which allows a user to enter a zip code, postal code, or city to retrieve the weather
New Home Page Widget - Individual Stroke Play Results. Display the player, gross score, handicap, and net score of the last round entered.
Cart signs were page breaking after the first sign instead of the 2nd
Scoring Average by Year report not displaying properly for 9 hole leagues.
Added back in the custom tee time color highlight which was mistakenly removed.
4/7/2022 - Version 8.48
Removed "My Account Info" screen and added a "My Payments" screen which details all payments for league and for optional add-ons.
New Stat/Report: Player Participation Report. This stat shows how many times a player was scheduled, had a sub, and was absent.
Metric/Imperial option for the weather widget to change the units for temperature and wind speed.
Updated skins summary report to handle the "1/2 skin" count when teammates tie for a skins.
Handle an obscure error if a player had live scoring open, but was then removed from the schedule by the administrator
Bug in the Skins calculation for the new option for team skins (split the skin if teammates cancel).
3/22/2022 - Version 8.47
Internal cleanup of unused database columns
3/22/2022 - Version 8.46
Internal performance updates.
New Feature: Copy schedule from previous season. Allows a league admin to duplicate their matches exactly from a previous season, provided the same number of players are in the league.
Fixed auto schedule generation for schedule purchase.
3/12/2022 - Version 8.45
Added "row #" to the Player Payments list
Incorrect "custom tee time" message displayed on schedule widget under certain circumstances.
3/5/2022 - Version 8.44
UI enhancements to the alert bars which appear after saving/editing on some screens.
When editing the schedule for an individual player league, put in a check to make sure the "course" can only be selected once per foursome.
System not allowing the deleting of a course from the course list under certain circumstances
League Standings were not displaying the player name when "absent".
"Opt in" dropdown not prepopulating with correct selection when editing a sub
2/3/2022 - Version 8.43
Internal management functions
UI enhancements to team list
Team points function causing an error if no scores entered
1/29/2022 - Version 8.42
New Setting: Yard or Metre in the Scorecard Display settings. This only affects the administration labeling when setting up the course
New feature: When a league uses League Groups, added a "counter" at the top of the page when assigning players/teams (Step 6 of the League Setup)
An error occurred when loading a schedule for seasons prior to 2020 for some leagues when the course wasn't set for a specific round.
If a historical score was entered without a valid par, it could cause an error. This wouldn't typically happen since the value is checked on the user side of things before saving.
1/22/2022 - Version 8.41
Added a new option to schedule creation when a league uses League Groups to distribute players/teams by group rather than putting all the groups together.
Added new option when creating schedule with league groups to completely ignore the group when scheduling tee times.
League Standings may error out if a user hit reload a bunch of times in a row
1/5/2022 - Version 8.40
For 18 Hole leagues, you can award points for winning the front and/or back 9 match play match (most holes won). See setting #249 and 250. This is in addition to awarding points for the overall match (setting #57)
Show actual number of players scheduled without including "the course"
Added a "Setup complete" check to various pages in case those pages were bookmarked (e.g. the "enter scores" screen), and redirect to the Weekly Scores main tab if the Setup is not complete.
12/29/2021 - Version 8.39
New Report: When a league as 2 or more League Groups, a new standings report, "Standing by League Group" is available in the Stats section. This will give you detailed or summary point totals by adding up all of the players in each League Group. This report is used for those leagues who have more than 2 players per team, and utilize the League Group feature as a "team" feature.
New Feature: Schedule the "Course" to play in a spot for a player. For individual player leagues, you can now schedule "the course" as a placeholder on the schedule. This will allow you to schedule threesomes without having to schedule an actual player as a placeholder.
Limited "custom dates" leagues for their calendar to span no more than 1 year.
12/20/2021 - Version 8.38
New signup option of "2-players scramble" format
New scheduling option: auto schedule two groups on opposite sides for split tee times.
Improved labeling on various pages of player/team when a 2-player scramble league.
Continued further improvement for score history
Scorecard "Based off low player" not displaying right when a league changes from two-player teams to individual player league
Number of tee times calculating incorrectly when number of players changes in league settings on the Set Tee Times screen
11/27/2021 - Version 8.37
Score Distribution Chart - This chart allows you to pull up a count of scores (gross or net) by year or player to see how often a particular score was shot. AKA a "Histogram" chart.
Turned on league renewals to allow for early renewal to the new season.
When upload a document to the document library, the "active" status was not being saved properly.
11/19/2021 - Version 8.36
Export page or full set of data on reporting which is "paged"
New option to move entered scores from one course/side to another course/side, in the event the schedule was set incorrectly.
Put in a check for leagues who don't play for points, so as not to give them a warning about points not being recorded when viewing the League Standings.
11/6/2021 - Version 8.35
Improved "Paging" performance for lists with multi-page reports, such as the Historical Score List
Number of teams not being updated in all instances if administrator updated the Number of Players setting
10/30/2021 - Version 8.34
Release note internal changes to allow for realtime updates
Optimized more report queries for better performance
Standardized rounding of slope for 18 hole leagues across the codebase.
10/23/2021 - Version 8.33
The ability to manually type in player handicaps on one screen
2021 Survey results
Added Course name to the league average report when selecting All Courses
Rewrite of some reports to improve performance.
Updated logic to team/player line-ups so admins don't change player numbers of established players
9/12/2021 - Version 8.32
Added a "keep session alive" when entering league news, rules, and e-mail. User's session will be renewed as long as
the user is typing.
Several database query performance upgrades for reporting.
Match play point fix where max number of strokes wasn't being applied under a narrow set of circumstances
Report Export - Columns weren't lining up for some reports which reported on front/back separately.
Report - Opponent History. Scores displayed were being duplicated under certain circumstances
Display Issue - When viewing the Detailed Points scoresheet for an entire round, the points awarded for a Stableford Match
were not being displayed correctly. However, the points being calculated when recording points was correct.
8/25/2021 - Version 8.31
New Report: League comparsion between two seasons. This report allows you to compare gross scoring average, net scoring average, or ending
handicap index for each player between two different seasons. The report displays both the actual change (e.g. number of strokes) or
the percent changed.
8/22/2021 - Version 8.30
Added the round type to the auto schedule generation when re-running the schedule creation
Updated the GHIN handicap retrival. GHIN changed their authentication method which broke automated lookups
The player display order is now consistent for individual player leagues, all the way from the screen to edit the schedule,
to the user schedule display, to the printed scorecards, to the scorecard entry. Previously the order for the schedule/scorecards/score entry
didn't match the schedule edit screen.
Fixed duplicate emails going to league admins when the sub verification is turned off
Fixed a bad link when trying to link directly to a specific league setting. This was causing a Page Not Found error in some circumstances
7/27/2021 - Version 8.29
New Setting/Feature: Team Skins Tie Logic. When 2-player teams, you can tell Golf League Tracker how to handle ties between
teammates for skins. By default, ties among teammates are handled just like any other skins tie - they cancel. However, now you can choose
to count each player as 1/2 skin, or a full skin.
Player Payment Feature: Added different payment types for TO and FROM players so you can keep track of balances for each.
New View for the Schedule for Administrators: Schedule Grid. This report shows each player/team number
and which rounds they were matched up against either other.
League Standings - Score Type (birdie/bogey/par) count fix for Double Bogey and Others
General Point Rules - Depending on league settings, causing an error when live scoring is enabled and show points is chosen
"Round Type" getting reset for previous rounds when segment break is added
7/4/2021 - Version 8.28
New tee box assignment screens so the league administrator can assign by player, by course, or all courses as once.
Internal admin functions to clean up temporary player and image gallery images.
Performance enhancing indexes for League Checkup
6/27/2021 - Version 8.27
NEW MAJOR FEATURE! League Health Checkup. This feature allows automated analysis of your league setup and settings and warn of you
possible problems before they become problems
Enable browser spellcheck on league news and league rules
Error in Team Stroke Play results report when there are no results
Improved performance in the e-mail log when a league has hundreds of e-mails.
Total points optimiation on detailed scoresheet
Team totals points miscalculating under certain circumstances when only 1 player is present
Error on matchup page when the last round was entered.
6/13/2021 - Version 8.26
Image Gallery not listing all of the photos
Points for Team totals not being applied under certain circumstances
Added "Round Cancelled" round type to the "Change Course, Side, Type for All Round". Not having this option in the list
was resetting cancelled rounds to "Normal".
Player order for individual schedule and printed scorecards fixed so it matches the scorecard entry.
Rotate Image function in Image Gallery not working under certain circumstances
5/30/2021 - Version 8.25
Team Totals max strokes not be applied correctly in certain circumstances
Updated the "Remember Me" function on the login page to work with more browsers
Live scoring for 2-man teams wasn't putting the scorecard into the correct state to "confirm" the card
Points for teams winning both matches would compute incorrectly whne viewing the Detailed Scorcard, but was correct
for recording points.
5/30/2021 - Version 8.24
New Setting: Best Ball Max Strokes (setting #243). Allows a maximum number of strokes for one player in a best ball match
5/29/2021 - Version 8.23
Live Scoring check to disable certain admin functions to prevent the league to get out of sync while entering scores.
The ability to set your own skins labels for the net and gross pots
Added a course "All" option in the league scoring average report
Performance improvement of the WLT reports
Enhanced messaging on the Player/Team setup if the lineup is incomplete
Browser screen flashing with some combinations of browser and theme selected
Some login slowness due to retrieving league settings multiple times
Minimum team points being applied to min player points when playing the course.
An apostrophe in the course name was causing an error in the Player Best Ball Report
5/22/2021 - Version 8.22
New Setting: Points for teams where both players win their low net vs opponent
New Setting: Tie option for above format (split points or not awarded
New Setting: Gross and Net Skins label configuration. This enables the admin to change the default label from "GROSS SKINS" and
"NET SKINS" to something else. This is especially useful where the Net Skins pot is repurposed as a 2nd gross skins pot
by handicaping the Handicap % or Max Strokes to 0
ESC Handicap ranges using Handicap Index rather than the Course Handicap when determine which range to apply for ESC.
Hole highlight not working on printed scorecards for shotgun leagues.
Force a skips update if a League Group changes after the scores are entered
Handicap Allowance Percentage rounding applied at the wrong time for WHS calcualtions.
The message on the league standings page was inaccurate when reporting that not all points were recorded. Enhanced this so all rounds are shown.
5/15/2021 - Version 8.21
Allow jpeg files to be added to the image gallery. JPG was already allowed but iPhones save files as .jpeg
Error in live scoring when multiple players started live scoring within seconds of each other for the same players
Alert box not sized properly
Player Display Order on print scorecards not remembered correctly
Fix Min/Max point settings when doing a "save and record points"
5/8/2021 - Version 8.20
Added an "Average" row to the individual and team stroke play results report
Disallow the printing of a scorecard for a round when there are no teeboxes entered for a course, and give a warning, and direct the admin to the
course list to fix this issue
Added functionality to the 2-player team schedule so that subs are reflighted and displayed in their proper flight as they would be on the
Net Double Bogey ESC not calculating properly under certain circumstances. The logic was essentially adding 1 extra stroke
to a players handicap when determining the Net Double Bogey max on a hole. This was not affecting any point calculations
The point logic for when the setting for A vs B for low net was not correct under certain circumstances.
An issue when a sub had more than 1 email address entered, the sub request "accept" functionality was not working properly.
Cart Sign name overlap when a sub was listed on the sign
Score Entry "Save and Record" now is enabled properly when admin picks the course, or in the event of 2-player teams, when the solo
player is playing for both players.
Handle an error when a user tries to enter scores for a course where no teebox has been added
Fix to the scorecard to display proper number of strokes when a max stroke limit is applied to a match. This did not affect
any point calculation, but only the "tick" marks on a printed scorecard
5/2/2021 - Version 8.19
Improved UI for entering and editing a contest winner
Improved UI for entering and editing player payments, to enter multiple one after another
Cart sign prettying-up
Change to Minimum/Maximum point limits
Stroke Play Results All Rounds when filtering by group not regenerating properly
Handle it when someone has two or more windows open while entering the same scorecard, or entering scores while live scoring is turned on
Fix UI warning when entering very low (but valid) slope values for a course
Edit Skin contestants page not refreshing properly under certain circumstances
4/24/2021 - Version 8.18
Added "Created By" in the cart signs
Delimiter character for teams based on league format. The "vs" in the schedule was confusing people if they weren't playing head to head formats.
Record Points Logic - Prevent recording points when a player doesn't have a handicap
"Image not found" image was rotated 90 degrees in error.
Tweaked wrapping of scorecard info for the group/tee times
Handicap cards not giving enough space for accounts using the World Handicap System (20 scores)
"Confirm" option not displaying properly for scores entered with live scoring under certain circumstances.
Add/Remove Rounds not allowing extended leagues go to beyond 30 rounds
For leagues who manage more than 1 league, fixed the "switch league" option
4/13/2021 - Version 8.17
A separate league news screen which will be used for the android app to display the news.
Applying proper limits for par 3s for bestball and team totals format in the point calculation
Added points for combined BestBall/Team Totals format for front/back/total score
Added check for a malformed URI when user imports an Excel file
Scorecards not applying Max Strokes for Team Totals (setting #215) propertly in the stroke display
Display for scorecards not correct when trying to print for 2-person teams with 2-somes on the cards
Points not clearing in the cache for the home page widget when points were changing
4/4/2021 - Version 8.16
Error when Review Scores page is redirected after logout because the selected round number is not retained
Home Page Standings cache wasn't being cleared under certain circumstances
Multiple tee times displayed when clicking from the Schedule widget to the full schedule
Error when calculating stableford points in live scoring when the foursome didn't have scores for both teams entered
Player handicaps not updated under certain circumstances when editing a scorecard and changing the player who played
3/27/2021 - Version 8.15
Adding inline page help to various administrative pages.
Enhanced E-mail log for better display
When saving individual round schedule, made for a better error message when trying to schedule odd number of players or teams
Check for expired session logic updated.
Handicap percentage being applied twice under rare circumstances.
Maximum handicap index being applied as max course handicap
Live Leaderboard not display both rounds when playing split tee times at different courses.
3/14/2021 - Version 8.14
Added more stringent League ID validation rules to only allow letters and numbers in the league ID
Display of settings for Handicap Detail information was incorrect when using the WHS (Official) or Pre-2020 (Official) settings
Apple's conversion of "smartquotes" was causing an issue with player's last names (e.g. O’Reilley vs O'Reilley) and importing scores
3/14/2021 - Version 8.13
New Report - Print Handicap Cards. Handicap Cards are old school USGA. They allow a player to print "cards" which has a summary of
their score history along with their handicap. This can be found in the Stats section.
Disallow invalid Word Email addresses to be entered into a player's email. They have a format of: name<>.
When an admin would try to enter an address like this, it causes an error because it is NOT a valid email address. Emails are only
Handicap calculation would consider not enough scores when throwing out a percentage of scores. If set to percentage, the score count
used for handicapping can never be 0, it will automatically adjust to using 1 score.
3/10/2021 - Version 8.12
3/7/2021 - Version 8.11
New Setting - Number of Most Recent Years to Use. You can now limit which seasons are included in the handicapping by settings with this setitng.
E.g. If you set this to 2, and the current year is 2021, it will not use scores from the 2018 season or earlier.
Handicap calculation was ignoring the "confirm" status of a score for handicap only leagues entered by players.
2/28/2021 - Version 8.10
Several updated YouTube help videos
Admin and Player Login Count totals in the League Info section
New Filtering options for "Stroke Play Results - Full Season" report
2/20/2021 - Version 8.9
New Scheduling Function - Auto schedule for a single round. This feature allows an administrator to choose a subset of players
from the league and have the system automatically set the pairings.
E-mail log now using the on-off slider switch to show and change the log status
Hid the "points" option on the "Review scores" popup in the matchup screen, and resized the window so it's fills the screen.
Export was including hidden columns in the data. Fixed so only displayed data columns are shown
E-mail log was not refreshing properly when a log entry was deleted
2/13/2021 - Version 8.8
New Feature (All Leagues): Document Library. The Document Library is now part of the Image Gallery Add-on. When you purchase
the Image Gallery, the Document Library is included. The Document Library
New Feature (Standard Leagues): The ability to e-mail the list of players who are scheduled for a specific round. Rather than e-mailing the regular
player list and/or the sub list, you can choose a round number and the players who are scheduled, including any subs with sub reservations, are e-mailed.
New Feature (All Leagues): When e-mailing, a button shows the number of recipients. Click the button and the list of recipients will pop-up. This
enables you to see the recipients before sending the e-mail.
New Setting (Standard Leagues): Pace of Play Minutes. In the Scorecards category of the settings, if this value is set
a pace of play time is displayed on the scorecard as well as the End Time, as computed from the group's starting time.
If this is set to 0 the setting is ignored and pace of play is not displayed.
Course rating information was duplicated on the display in some circumstances
League Standings course rating info wasn't spanning all of the available columns.
2/7/2021 - Version 8.7
Handicap Only League - New Report - Scoring average by player
Handicap Only League - New Report - Scoring average over time by player
2/4/2021 - Version 8.6
Signup Captcha with a keyword to prevent bots from signing up
"Official" old USGA Handicap calculation. Don't use this, use the new World Handicap System and get with the times!
Best Ball calculation causing an error is a player didn't have a handicap
IE11 fix or team assigment. For the love of God people, stop using IE11, it's 10 years old!!
Force a recalculation of Low Net when the report is viewed to insure it's updated
1/30/2021 - Version 8.5
Handicap Only Leagues: Added a setting so that you can allow players to post their own scores. Scores are then confirmed
or rejected by the league administrator.
Colors for hyperlinks when printing in black and white was a shade of gray depending on the color scheme chosen, and
was difficult to read. Changed the color to pure black for better printing.
"Number of rounds" setting verification logic incorrect for different type of leagues with different options chosen.
Scorecard screen for players causing an error in some circumstances
Stableford points for triple bogey or worse not calculating correctly
Round length verification not working properly in some circumstances
1/23/2021 - Version 8.4
Win/Loss/Tie Weekly Report. This report compares a player/team score vs all other players/teams for the week, and calculate a WLT for
each. You can run a net or gross skin report, and show the WLT in 3 different formats: WLT, Points (1 pt for a win, 1/2 pt for a tie), or a Win %.
Page Help Control. New page help text will be added to the pages as time goes on. A "?" will appear to the left of the
page title when help is available.
Scorecards: Team Point stroke display option was missing after upgrading Scorecards over the winter. Added this option back in.
"Save and Record Points" was not running the record points function.
1/16/2021 - Version 8.3
Handicap Only Leagues - The ability to add scores for all players for a single date, rather than one by one
Added Team column to the live leaderboard, and grouped the teammates together on the display
Live Leaderboard not displaying points for the "B" player in team play
Live Leaderboard causing an error if no players are scheduled for a given round
1/9/2021 - Version 8.2
Course List report displays each course and each tee box for the course along with course rating, slope and par.
New Excel sample import worksheets
Internal optimization of detailed points scoresheet to cache available point type calculates
Season list in the menu wasn't displaying proper season when switching to older seasons
League officer contacts weren't display the validation errors if the name was left blank
1/1/2021 - Version 8.1
Multi-league discount applied incorrectly under certain circumstances
Error when logging in if typing a bunch of spaces for the user id
Force style version numbers when version changes
Fix to League Contacts when an invalid e-mail is entered
12/24/2020 - Version 8.0
Internal rewrite removing all old Classic ASP code. This major update will improve performance, allow for faster development, and
larger scalability of the website for future expansion. In addition, it creates opportunity for more advanced features to be developed. The
following sections were rewritten:
Point engine / Detailed Points Scoresheet
Scorecard entry screen
Record Points screen
Login logic
Live scoring leaderboard update which include live point total calculations
Live scoring leaderboard update displays the League Group if league groups are used in the league
Added ability to save scores and record points with one click, or the option to override the points the system calculates.
12/4/2020 - Version 7.81
Added "paging" to the Historical Score List to aid in display when there are many scores entered
Hide skins information from the player list for "Handicap only" leagues
Showing only widgets which pertain to specific League Type
Fixed error when retriving standings if there is no schedule set for future rounds
Logic for which dates can be chosen for live scoring fixed when a "fun night" is the next night
12/2/2020 - Version 7.80
Major internal rewrite of the Detailed Points Scoresheet
Converted several pages of legacy code to MVC to get ready for next major release.
Live Scoring enhancements to navigation and UX
Add a Sub update to handle gender
Team/Player numbers not displayed properly when viewing full schedule in the event that league added players mid-season
Fixed add/remove rounds when league uses custom dates
League Group column width in the team/player number assignment
11/15/2020 - Version 7.79.1
In Historical Scores section, you can choose a course and teebox from courses
which you have entered, or you can choose "custom" to enter your own teebox info
You can change team assignments for a given week provided scores for that team (or player) haven't been entered yet.
You can change the schedule for a given week for players or teams who don't have scores entered yet.
When setting up an individual league, an option to "auto assign" player numbers.
Converted some legacy Classic ASP code to MVC/WebAPI calls for better performance
Converted Scorecards to MVC code for better performance and update to technology
When a league had more than 100 tee boxes entered for their league, the incorrect tee box was sometimes used when calculating strokes on the printed scorecard
Team Contest fix in the event teams change throughout the season. The proper team name is retrieved when the round number is chosen.
Leagues with custom dates had problems saving after adding rounds
9/13/2020 - Version 7.78
Option to hide Amount Won from the Contest Widget
Added negative handicap stroke indicator on the printed scorecards (tick mark shows red in color)
Reorder rounds was causing an error when the data for the reorder was being truncated for being too long.
Team Season Score Detail not rendering properly when a team didn't have an average
9/5/2020 - Version 7.77
E-mail "draft" mode for league administrators. The system will remember what you've started typing and you can continue where you left off (info saved is per browser)
Ability to Upgrade your account from the MENU in the upper right
Live scoring "enter scores" screen, changed labeling for handicap
Loading of sub information was incorrect for a subset of leagues since the last update.
8/15/2020 - Version 7.76
Confirmation of unusually low slope value when < 90. While the USGA can have a course with a slope of < 90, it's very rare, and
usually a number < 90 is entered when an admin accidentally divides the slope by 2 for each 9 holes, which is the incorrect procedure.
Date/time displayed for an accepted sub request showed UTC rather than the league time zone.
Logic for which the next round is cancelled was incorrect if trying to cancel two rounds in a row.
Best Ball hole Net Score incorrect when using full handicaps and player < 0 handicap
8/2/2020 - Version 7.75
New Setting: Number of Round Required to Establish Handicap - For A Sub! That's right, it's finally here. A separate setting for subs.
By default, the setting is 0, which means it's the same as the setting for regular players. But change it to 1 and give a sub a handicap
Added the points for the "course" to the league standings
The Admin Contest list now shows contests which were set to Inactive
Updated several internal packages and error reporting to get better details on errors which happen to a user
The sort in the league standings which start with Group had the Segment and Season point sort logic backward.
7/20/2020 - Version 7.74
New Report: Contest Winner Summary
Ability to filter Best Ball Team and Player report by segment
Round number to the scorecards next to the date
In the Opponent Average report, added 3 columns to show difference between net, gross, and handicap average for each player
Season long stats has an error if no scores present
When setting #110 is ON (Swap A/B Matchup), schedule was not displaying proper matchups.
7/5/2020 - Version 7.73
New Report: Team Score detail for all rounds
New Feature: Update your main league administration contact information option.
Live scoring issue. When a league admin disabled live scoring, then reenabled it for another round, a player could have
their browser window open and record scores for the wrong round. Typically this wouldn't happen because the player's timeout
expires before 1 week, but it could happen if leagues play more often than that.
Pilot test for the new Detailed Points Scoresheet begins.
Add/Remove round fixes which caused an error under certain circumstances
6/28/2020 - Version 7.72
Leaderboard enhancement to allow to select "favorite" players
Team order not correct when generating scorings for 2-somes
Leaderboard info incorrect if playing more than 1 course per date
Leaderboard not showing hdcp or net total when playing the front 9
IE11 garbage fixes. c'mon people, upgrade your browser!
Course/Side fix when course is not selected in the schedule
Fixed error for sub request when a player doesn't have an email, and sub verification is turned off.
6/21/2020 - Version 7.71
New option in individual player leagues when printing scorecard to display handicaps off the low player. Note that there is
no setting or point system for this game, this is for display purposes ony
New point setting for Team Low Gross Score Points
Save dashboard layout and settings when settings are saved to eliminate a step in the update
Score History Dashboard widget shows round date rather than most recent round #
League Dates automatically regenerate when administrator adds more rounds to their leagues, rather than forcing the admin to go to the League Dates section which triggered the rewrite.
Internal rewrite of league setting validations to allow for more complex rules.
Cleaned up number of tee times when the player count changes mid season
Rewrote the add/move/remove round option to handle a more complex set of changes to the schedule at one time
Fixed an issue in live scoring where when a sub is playing for a player, the system would allow both the original player and
sub's score to be entered, causing an error in the system.
Display net score properly in Live Leaderboard when a player doesn't have a handicap. Treat a no handicap as 0 for leaderboard purposes.
Fixed an issue when entering a scorecard where a player name would be duplicated under certain circumstances
Fixed an internal issue when saving a hole score, when the hole number was 0. This may be an attempt to hack a score, but handle the situation gracefully.
6/7/2020 - Version 7.70
Option for 2-player teams to print scorecards with just two players on them. This allows someone to print a card for each team rather than the full foursome.
Player validation was broken when entering scores, thus allowing "teammate plays again opponent" for BOTH teammates, thus causing an error when trying to calculate points
Handicap was not displaying for inactive players.
Error when "copy admins" function was on, but an admin didn't have an email address entered for themselves.
5/24/2020 - Version 7.69
New value options for Number of High and Low Rounds to drop for handicapping. If the value is a negative amount, the value is a percentage. For example, if you
enter -50 for High Rounds To Drop, then the system will take 50% of the scores entered and drop them (rounding any fractions to the nearest whole number. e.g. 50% of
7 = 3.5, which is rounded to 4 rounds to drop. If you only want to drop 3 of 7, then enter -49 (49%) for this setting.
New "League Settings" dedicated section, which gives you two options: to change all league settings, and 2nd report which shows which settings that
are point related are set to a non-zero value. This aids in helping you find points which are set that you don't know about.
Table Export fixed when exporting non-standard tables like the schedule or the league standings. A non-standard table is one which has something
other than a single piece of data in a cell
Error in pulling up the league schedule if the next week's schedule didn't have the course set.
Auto Generate across all groups option was being ignored, and the scheduler was still scheduling within each group
E-mail log "Date Sent" was not being displayed correctly
Player gender when adding a sub on the fly wasn't saving properly.
5/17/2020 - Version 7.68
Option for the skins calculation to use the handicap index rather than course handicap
Check to see if player count was valid when changing from individual to 2-player leagues. The lack of this check was causing errors when creating the schedule, because
it allowed a user to get around the even number of teams requirement.
Added Handicap section to stats, and included the player handicap matrix report. There are now 3 reports specific to handicaps
Added checks for network connectivity when using the live scoring. If connection failed, the page would just spin, and essentially lock the user out from continuing the scoring.
Changed the way disabling live scoring worked on the scorecard entry screen. Previously the link would take you to the enable/disable screen, which was
confusing in that it was not clear that you then had to disable live scoring. Changed the link to a button, and now the live scoring is disabled with one click.
Live scoring round selection gives warning when choosing a fun night, preventing the user from enabling fun nights (no scores are entered into fun nights)
Rename of a script folder which was causing browser extensions like uBlock to give a false positive, making a couple of pages non-workable.
Fix code to prevent two "absent, teammate will play against opponent" from being chosen for the same team.
Automatically clear skins carry over if carry over was turned off and skins were edited for a round
Schedule WebAPI, only add weekly schedule when it actually exists. This was causing an error in the scheudle in the Android app if a blank schedule was saved.
Javascript error under certain circumstances in the "Change Course/Side For All Rounds", which would then cause the page validation to fail, causing a system exception
Scorecard message would have stray repeats when an individual player league playing split tee times.
5/9/2020 - Version 7.67
Handicap Only League - New Course Handicap report to show handicap for selected course and assigned tee box
Increased performance of the individual head to head report
League standings error when no schedule is set
Fix to email log when doing a "blind copy" in sending emails.
Fix to schedule if tee time is not set. This typically shouldn't happen but could if the user places the schedule widget on their homepage
Schedule widget displayed improperly if an apostrophe was in the player's last name
Fix to schedule widget if groups are skipped in setting up the schedule.
5/2/2020 - Version 7.66
When using the "Add a Sub" button on the score entry screen, added the gender drop down as well as starting
and current handicap
Import Scores is limited to 600 scores at a time to prevent performance problems and browser crashes.
For handicap only leagues - Course Handicap Player List - Added course and gender filtering, as well as option to display
the handicap for only the tee box the player is assigned to.
Schedule Widget was not showing the course name or side when a schedule was blank.
When adding a sub from the "Add a Sub", gender was defaulting to female with no option to change it
4/25/2020 - Version 7.65
Added "paging" to the Historical Scores list rather than displaying all scores at once
Made it a requirement to choose the player name in the Historical Scores section
Added an Email Type to the email log so for future enhancements to the filtering of the log
4/21/2020 - Version 7.64
New Setting: Points Low Gross Score in Group - Number of points a player will win if they have the lowest gross score in their
Link to order a schedule was broken
4/18/2020 - Version 7.63
New Timezone setting. Set your league timezone so that the date/time for sub requests and e-mail log shows
your local time. Default is Eastern Standard Time.
Ability to "page" The email log results for leagues who have upgraded
Fix for league dates on the home page widget. Not displaying correctly under certain circumstances
Import player function. Error was caused when an entirely blank line was in the middle of the player list
Enter scores wouldn't allow user to get past the "fun night" if the fun night was the first round in the season
3/29/2020 - Version 7.62
New option: Send League News. When entering league news you can check this box and after saving, the league news
you entered will be preset in the e-mail form.
3/26/2020 - Version 7.61
Ability to log e-mails which are sent from the website
New Setting: Allow Players to Send Emails. By default, regular players can send emails to the whole league. Turn
this off if you want to disable that functionality
New Setting: Hide Player Detail Infomation. Normallyer a player's phone and e-mail address are displayed in the player list. Turn
this off if you want to hide that information from other players. League adminsitrators will still be able to view this information
Added highlighting for a player in the Assign Player/Team numbers to show if a player has been moved off the regular player list. This will
make it easier to identify why the setup is not complete in those instances.
Added ability to change a player or team's League Group after scores have been entered for a particular round.
For leagues who pull handicap from the GHIN, the ghin has an "active" status for a player. Golf League Tracker would not
pull the hanicap if "Active" was FALSE for a player. Turned out that the status from the GHIN is not always accurate. Changed
it so GLT ignores this flag and pulls the handicap value anyway.
When entering players, it remembers the gender of the last player entered so the user doesn't have to keep choosing it.
Link from the "scorecards" section for players to the Live Leaderboard was not working properly.
The handicap index "adjustment" for when a player has a handful of scores per the WHS rules was not being halved in two for 9 hole leagues.
3/12/2020 - Version 7.60
Ability to choose a "World Handicap System - Official" setting for handicap which automatically takes the best 8 of 20 scores. If a player has fewer than 20 it uses the WHS table to
determine how many to take.
For leagues with multiple groups, you can now schedule 1 or more group at a time (previous you would do either 1 or "all")
Fixed the starting hole drop down for the back 9. When editing a saved tee time/starting hole, it wasn't preselected the saved value.
Course Hanidcap wasn't displayed properly on scorecards when WHS-Official was handicap type
3/7/2020 - Version 7.59
Added more fields to both player and historical score import.
For leagues who don't keep track of segment or season points, add a sort by "weekly points" to the league standings
Fixed a broken link from a help dialog box to one of the help documents
Fixed import of floating point values from excel which would translate values such as 36.1 to 36.09999999999994.
2/29/2020 - Version 7.58
API for android app now returns HTML for the league news. The Android app was updated to display formatted HTML rather than plain text
Remove the ability to remove all round from the league's schedule. Number of round must be >=1 round
Round numbers for position and fun nights were not being calculated properly when doing split tee time schedule
When removing more than 1 round at a time, an error would occur under certain circumstances.
Max Team Handicap for team totals was not being applied correctly when printing scorecards
Require a group name to be entered when adding a league group, otherwise an error would occur
"Review Scores" page was only display 9 holes for 18-hole leagues
Average score in Stroke Play Results would cause an error if a player had no scores entered
2/23/2020 - Version 7.57
Added Stableford point system for 5 under par
Logic to determine whether courses are set up has been changed. If you have 1 or more men in your league (regulars or subs), each
course must have a Male tee box. Conversely, if you have 1 or more women in your league, each course must have a Femal tee box.
When adding a player, the system takes a "best guess" as to the default tee box for the player based on gender.
API for Android application updated to handle some internal changes
2/16/2020 - Version 7.56
Player highlighting when editing a single round in the scheduler. Shows which players have already been selected
Added an "average" column to the Season Stroke Play Results report
Rearranged the score history edit screen to show the score near the top of the form, and to allow the ENTER key to save the score.
This speeds up manual entry.
New Setting: Max # of Strokes For Team Totals points. This only applies when the handicap method is to set to use the difference
in the two team's handicaps
New Loading Panel displayed any time navigation occurrs on the site. This is helpful for mobile devices and devices with slow internet connections
Removed the forced page break on the print scorecard screen. This will allow the user to control how many scorecards to print per page, rather than
having a maximum of two.
When adding a new course, the system allowed someone to enter a 9 hole course when the league was set up as an 18 hole league. This is now disallowed.
If you play a 9 hole course twice, enter the course as an 18-hole course with the same information for the front and back 9.
The Player Course Handicap report would have incorrect number of columns when generating a report with two tee boxes named the same for different genders.
Prevented a league from making multiple copies of itself when copying from one season to the next.
2/9/2020 - Version 7.55
Added gender to the player set up. This is used when assigning tee boxes so that only the tee box which matches the gender is available to select.
It also affects which tee box is automatically chosen for a new player so that the wrong gender tee box is not pre-selected.
New League Mode: Handicap Only. For leagues who only want to track handicaps, a new mode has been
created which changes the league's menu structure, eliminating those items which aren't needed or available.
New Report: Course Handicap Player List. This report shows each player along with their handicap index, and a column
for each tee box and course entered into the system with the calculated Playing Handicap for the player.
New setting: "Handicap Index Decimals". Traditionally Golf League Tracker has rounded the player's handicap
index to 2 decimals (note, the players playing handcicap is always a whole number). This setting allows you
to choose between 0 and 3 decimal points for the calculation, in case you want to align with the USGA and
World Handicap System of using 1 decimal point.
Calculation of league cost was incorrect when multiple leagues of 6 or more.
2/6/2020 - Version 7.54
New setting: "Handicap Allowance Percentage". This percentage does NOT affect a player's calculated handicap index. Instead, it is applied
at the time of the match to conform to the suggestions in the USGA Handicapping Manual Appendix C. For example, it is suggested that players
get 90% of their Course Handicap when playing in a four-ball (2-player best ball) event.
New free Tools for non-members to calculate a single player's handicap index based on the scores they enter.
Fixed an error which would occur if an administrator entered a really long tee box name
Display value of a Course Handicap in the schedule was sometimes rounded incorrectly depending on the settings of the league. This
did not affect the handicap used when entering the actual score, but only in displaying the schedule.
1/31/2020 - Version 7.53
World Handicap Calculator - Simple online tool to calculate a player's Playing Handicap
from their index using the rating, slope, and par of the tee box they will be playing.
Stripped down required Javascript for pages which are public such as the home page and login page, for faster initial load.
Other internal performance improvements
1/25/2020 - Version 7.52
Color coding of tee box when assigning tee boxes to players. Using the color of the tee box selected.
When assigning players a player or team number, highlight which player has been previously selected
Changed how rounding of slope work for 18-hole leagues since the USGA seems to have standardized this with
the new WHS. Example, if the slopes are 130 and 125 for front and back respectively, the average is 127.5, and rounded
to 128.
Display of player handicap was not displayed properly when viewing schedule by player for all weeks. The handicap
displayed would show the handicap of the last round in the schedule, rather than the calculated course handicap
for each week.
1/18/2020 - Version 7.51
The ability to change your league name in the "League Info" administration section
Several internal changes to SEO related features on blogs and how-to info
Option to hide/show date in player payment dashboard widget
1/11/2020 - Version 7.50
Added service worker process which translates into "You can add Golf League Tracker and install it as an App on your Phone".
Hide GHIN # from regular players. The GHIN has changed their login to only require GHIN # and last name. Hopefully they change this, as it's a very unsecure way to do logins
Updated the GHIN code to pull down the GHIN index to conform to the new GHIN site which went live on Jan 6.
Redesign of the footer for mobile for better SEO
1/5/2020 - Version 7.49
For live scoring, if more than 1 round was scheduled for the live scoring date, an option now appears for the player to select
which round to use.
When sorting league standings by group, then by some other metric, the "Position" column resets at the start of each group
An error occured when entering players, but where one or more courses didn't have a teebox defined. System was trying to assign the default
tee box for the player but couldn't find one
Error occurred when logging in with a Live Scoring date not existing, e.g. live scoring from the previous year was carried over to the new season.
1/1/2020 - Version 7.48
Additional sort options for the league standings
Settings for the default sort method for the league standings, in the "display settings" category.
Interal optimizations/rewrite for point calculations. Necessary for live point calculations which I plan on doing
Optimizations for the Individual Player Stat report
Optimizations for the Team Stat report
Optimizations for the point calculation reporting which will affect nearly all reports
Converted Google Analytics library to use GA Tags.
Added posted date to the Blog content
Fix to saving the proper player when editing a scorecard under certain circumstances
Fix to the schedule on the League Standings. Not displaying effectively when at end of season and no more rounds are available
Fix to Stableford Points for Triple Bogey. System was considering Triple Bogey as "other" rather than specific triple bogey points.
Fixed opponent report and opponent average report. If a player was absent it was considering their score as "0" instead of ignore it.
Handicap display was showing 0 for course rating and/or slope if rating/slope was not entered for an previous season. Up until 2018, a user could enter
a tee box without rating/slope. This would only affect users whose handicap is calculated on really old scores (such as a sub which has only played a couple of times in the previous 3 or more years.
11/23/2019 - Version 7.47
Add the ability to set custom tee times for specific rounds.
11/14/2019 - Version 7.46
When signing up after September, give the user the ability to choose the next year for their official "season".
11/13/2019 - Version 7.45
For league managers who manage more than 1 league, there's a new "My Leagues" section in the League Setup which shows each league the player manages, and allows easy switching
between them. Also shows paid date and paid amount for each league.
For league managers who manage more than 1 league, all leagues they manage will be copied to the new season automatically
For league managers who manage more than 1 league, automatic league discount and payment ability to pay for all leagues at once.
Updated the Low Net Calculation routine for vastly improved performance
Handicap update and creating of padding score would cause an error if the handicap percent was set to 0.
Fixed season long score summary for net scores. It was displaying a negative score for a player who didn't have a score entered for a given week, essentially
displaying their net score as 0 minus their handicap. It now displays a blank for those scores.
Fixed broken links to the old handicap update page, updating to the new link
11/3/2019 - Version 7.44
Remove the season drop down from the login page and replaced it with a "switch season" option under the menu. The
advantage of this is that whatever your current page is remains the same when you switch the season
10/30/2019 - Version 7.43
A user friendly interface for assigning the Equitable Stroke Control setting for your league
10/30/2019 - Version 7.42
Added Differential Calculation type setting to choose between par, Pre 2020 (USGA) Method, or the new 2020 World Handicap System
Refactored several SQL procedures to increase performance
Rewrote the handicap calculation procedure to convert from old ASP to C# to greatly improvement performance
Fixed League Scoring Average report to show front/back columns properly when only 1 side is chosen
Fixed League Scoring Summary report to show front/back columns properly when only 1 side is chosen
Fixed Scoring Average By Year report to show front/back columns properly when only 1 side is chosen
Fixed Individual Scoring Detail report to show front/back columns properly when only 1 side is chosen
10/12/2019 - Version 7.40
Added new Handicap Calculation Type options for leagues who use USGA Handicaps ( You can automatically
update player's handicaps from the GHIN website (Experimental!)
Converted Individual Scoring Sumary to a web api call to improve performance
Converted Team Best Ball Stroke results to web api call to improve performance
Issue pulling up standings when changing leagues
Fixed the header for "Upcoming schedule" in the league standings when there is no upcoming schedule
9/28/2019 - Version 7.39
Equitable Stroke Control option and logic of "Net Double Bogey" to conform to the World Handicap System coming in 2020
Ability to Save a Player and Add Another to eliminate the number of clicks when setting up multiple players
Fixed bad link between scoring averages and individual average reports
9/21/2019 - Version 7.37
New report for Teams - "Individual Season Long Point Detail". This report shows what points an individual won for each week, allowing you to take "best x" or "drop y" number of scores. This compliments the "Team Season Long Point Detail" report.
"Round Type" for each round - Normal, Position, Fun Night.
Balanced Tee Time Schedule Generation to try to get each player spread out among tee times equally rather than randomly
Player/Team Name on the header when generating the schedule
Improvement to the Live Leaderboard to show Front and Back scores for leagues who play split tee times
Renamed and moved "Season Long Point Summary" to Standings to match the new report listed above. New name is "Individual Season Long Point Summary" and "Team Season Long Point Summary".
When a player is changed on the scorecard when entering scores, confirm if the scores already entered for the player should be cleared
Converted Scoring Average By Year Report to MVC/WebApi for better performance
Converted Hole by Hole Scoring History to MVC/WebApi for better performance
When editing an already entered scorecard, if the player was changed on the card, the "old" player's handicap was sometimes not recalculated
If editing the scores for the last round of the season, the user had to choose a different round from the drop down, and then select the last round in order for the screen to refresh properly
Scheduling being generated for Purchase Schedule was sometimes corrupt if buffer didn't flush properly
8/24/2019 - Version 7.36
Ability to "force" a date in your league dates which isn't on the standard rotation. If you play every 7 days, you can add a day which isn't one of those 7 days.
New Setting - "Sub Request E-mail Message". You can set a custom message which is included on all sub request e-mails. Useful for things such as
indicating to your subs whether there's a fee to play.
Sticky Player Selection - In various reports, when a player is selected, that selected player is defaulted to for other reports with a player selection.
Several code optimizations for better performance.
WLT Summary Standings not taking segment breaks into consideration
8/10/2019 - Version 7.32
New Golf League Tracker Blog
Internal performance improvements
Content Management System to allow updating of content without an application update
7/27/2019 - Version 7.31
New Report: Opponent scoring average. This is in conjunction wit hte Opponent History which is the detail of all opponents
Changed the layout to the GLT news section so it's easier to read.
When a league uses split tee times, the skins summary was incorrect/blank for the 2nd round being displayed
Recode of saving the state of a report, so that the sort order is retained. The previous method was not compatible with all devices.
Handle error when user switches a contest type from player to team or vice versa, and no winners are added.
7/14/2019 - Version 7.30
Fixed blank standing when switching sorting method between segment and season
6/22/2019 - Version 7.29
New "add sub" functionality when entering scores
Optimizations for WLT standings
Continued optimization of League Standings page
Date sorting in contest winners
Date sorting for player payments
League Standings refresh when sorting by Segment or Season Points
6/15/2019 - Version 7.28
6/8/2019 - Version 7.27
All standard tables with sorting now remember the last sort the user chose
Added back in the Sub Request Confirmation requirement for leagues who have that set to Yes.
Retrieve schedule data optimization to improve performance.
Fix to Individual Scoring Detail for "all years".
Fix to League Group Manager when no teams are set up yet.
Sorting in the Player Sub Request list by date was
Fix to copying teammate when sub request is made
Fix to Contest widget so that it's refreshed properly
5/25/2019 - Version 7.26
Player image updates. Ability to rotate image which was uploaded for the player profile
Sticky Group Filter option in the league standings
Standings Widget to show optional Last Round points
Warning to admin when entering a handicap of 0 for players.
League Group interface so league can manage league groups themselves
"Forgot League Id" e-mail functionality
Error when editing and resaving scorecard under certain circumstances
Position for Best Ball Stroke Play fixed when subs are included
5/11/2019 - Version 7.25
Added subs as an option to the League Score Summary
Added subs as an option to the Round Summary Widget
Added YTD Skins for Contest Widget
Player skin count in the skin summary in the league standings was being calculated incorrectly
Total points were not including the TeamMatch totals setting in the Detailed Points Scoresheet. Points were being recorded correctly when doing "Record Points"
5/4/2019 - Version 7.24
Added a link to the live leaderboard for desktop users when league is currently in live scoring mode
Behind the scenes task running to calculate skins and low net at 3am if the user made changes to their league but never pulled up a page which would
trigger a calculation. This will speed up rendering of pages by executing high volume tasks in the off hours.
Rewrite of Calculate Skins routine to improve performance
Handle invalid contest entry data gracefully
Skin contestant count on league standgs calculated incorrectly under certain circumstances
Fixed player list when player score entry was refreshed by the browser while entering scores.
Round summary widget was not being refreshed when scores were deleted
4/28/2019 - Version 7.23
New options for contest widget
New options for the standings widget
More robust message when entering a duplicate player name
Skins type in the league standings in the skins summary (net or gross)
New styling for live scoring screen to better fit on smaller screens
Hard coded the background color of the points entry in Record Points so it's the same with all themes
League standings were not showing skins for both front/back rounds for leagues with split tee times
Table headers were overlapping their content on successive pages when printing
Schedule widget wasn't updating date after using the Rainout Function
Exception when generating schedule under certain group/team number combinations
Contest widget for skins was ignore the "most recent number of rounds" setting
Error occurred when someone tried to change a setting to a blank value
Layout of the team player assignments was messed up on some older browsers
SQL Deadlock issues under certain cirumstances when players were logging in
4/21/2019 - Version 7.22
The ability to hide flight designations for 2-player teams when printing scorecards
Additional help documentation
Equitable Stroke Control Settings for "Double Par minus 1". e.g. 5 for par 3, 7 for par 4, 8 for par 5
When running auto scheduler mid-season, the scheduler now looks at the team lineup for
the first round selected when scheduling, rather than looking at round #1.
Individual Scoring Summary report wouldn't let you pull up "all" years
Increased performance of Individual Scoring Summary report
Removed extra "Sent From Golf League Tracker" footer when sending e-mails
Schedule for individual players would show incorrect sub when selecting All Dates
Allow filtering of Historical Scores by sub name
Cart Signs were doing a page break after the first item rather than the second
4/14/2019 - Version 7.21
Enhancements to the Player Payments
Created specific YouTube links for a variety of administrative functions
Widget settings not being saved if widgets were dragged and deleted in a specific order when creating layout
For live scoring the "start hole" would not update property when the round # or player was changed for split tee time leagues
Division count was incorrect for API call from Anroid application
Feet/Inches contest winner data entry
3/24/2019 - Version 7.20
Keep track of player payments for league dues
Automatic "forgot password" functionality for league administrators
Added highlight of a skin in the Season Long Player Best Ball Report
Fixed issue with league dates not refreshing after adding or removing a round
Fixed issue when retriving scores in certain situations for various reports
Fixed an issue where the dashboard settings would revert to default values upon editing the dashboard a 2nd time
3/19/2019 - Version 7.19
Schedule Widget - New options for display: show course, show side, and hide empty tee times
Gave ability of administrato to switch between regular date management and "custom dates". Custom dates allows a user
to pick specific dates for each round, rather than a starting date and a regular interval.
Internal maintenance functionality to support my leagues more effectively
Schedule now only shows tee times which have groups assigned.
3/13/2019 - Version 7.18
Ability to import players and historical scors from Excel or a CSV file
Upgraded text editor to allow creating of tables in your text for rules or news
Updated the styles of the administration site to a more modern look and feel.
3/2/2019 - Version 7.17
Best Ball Stroke play points for position finished
Upgraded text editor to more closely match the font size and styles for league news and rules
Issue when trying to send me e-mail from "contact us" form if the user's email was preceded with a space
Fixed login when user is copying league to new season. If user was admin, it would mistakenly forward the user to the "player" version.
2/26/2019 - Version 7.16
Redesign of home page to more modern look and font
Golf League Tracker "tips" section
Added points settings for team totals front and back 9
Cleanup of reports for consistency
Rewrite of export for reports to allow exporting on all but the Detailed Point Scoresheet and moved the export function to the upper right of each report under a hamburger menu
Fix to net score point calculation for 18 hole leagues for front and back 9 net score
1/17/2019 - Version 7.15
Home page layout designer and widgets
Handicap history report
Live scoring to allow starting hole to be chosen
Setting for taking the best "N" number of rounds when calculating points in the league standings
Fix to individual player scorecard printing when only 2 players are scheduled in a group
12/15/2018 - Version 7.14
Add settings to be able to split skins by League Group
11/29/2018 - Version 7.13
Rewrite League Setup main screen to MVC
Rewrite Player administration to MVC
Rewrite Tee Time administration to MVC
Rewrite League Date administration to MVC
Rewrite Create Schedule administration to MVC
Rewrite Historical Scores administration to MVC
Enhanced auto scheduling so you can schedule withing Leauge Groups (or not), or schedule and leave schedule as is for specific weeks.
Fixed issue where Mac users would retain session, and would have to kill their browser before being able to log in again.
11/3/2018 - Version 7.12
Updated project libraries to newest versions
Added League Group filter to more reports
10/21/2018 - Version 7.11
Moved Skins to MVC
Moved Custom Contests to MVC
9/3/2018 - Version 7.10
Moved League Scoring Average to the MVC reporting from the old classic asp
Added total line to W/L/T report
Added an "average" capability for reports summary lines
8/16/2018 - Version 7.9
Show/Hide expired sub request options
Options to drop best/worst point totals in the "Season Long Point Summary" report
Exception was thrown when an admin tried to move a group which was only partially scheduled (i.e. 2 players in a 4 player group)
Individual point summary update wasn't breaking out "Team Groups" properly
Schedule for All Teams/Players was showing groups even if the administrator left a group blank in the schedule
Major clean up of design for mobile devices in the Statistics section. Large tables now scroll right/left if they don't fit on the screen
6/4/2018 - Version 7.7
Show/Hide expired sub request options
Report optimizations.
Skins are calculated when League Standings or Skins Summary is pulled up rather than after each scorecard entry
5/20/2018 - Version 7.6
More options when live scoring is enabled to only view leaderboard
Option for stroke play points by position to score by Groups or for all league
Included Group filter on w/l/t stat screen
Live scoring prev/next holes to rollover to first/last hole
Setting for max strokes given and max strokes received vs course
Small redesign of stat screen to categorize the League Standings stats into logical groups.
Sub Opt In flag was not being recognized in all cases
Optimized query for add/move/remove rounds screen
Error would be thrown when system would try to resend emails to a sub whose e-mail address had been removed since initial communication
Fixed some bad breadcrumb links
4/10/2018 - Version 7.5
Live scoring option to switch divisions if multi-division league
New Live Scoring leaderboard screen
Double par +1 ESC Option
Live scoring date rather by round # to handle leagues with split tee times
Scorecards stroke display under certain circumstances
3/16/2018 - Version 7.4
New security model to conform with industry standard
Combined logins for leagues with multiple divisions into one login
3/10/2018 - Version 7.2
Live scoring pilot program
Scorecard update
Team point stroke play position options
Fix to date/time timezone set to eastern time rather than UTC
2/18/2018 - Version 7.1
New Stroke Play format: Set up a point system to automatically award points for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, either by
an absolute point system, or a percentage based payout
Added option to include skins entry on the scorecard for Net/Gross skins (NG)
2/10/2018 - Version 7.0
Multi-tee box support. Add more than 1 tee box which will be used for scorecards, handicap calculation, and point distribution
New Setting: Combine same teebox info on scorecards
12/1/2017 - Version 6.9.3
Moved entire system to Microsoft Azure for superior performance, monitoring, and up time
New 3rd party e-mail system which handles mass e-mail more efficiently
Rewrite of the Sub Request system to link a sub request to a date rather than a round number
New Setting: Copy League Admins for Sub Requests
New Setting: Copy Teammate on Sub Request Emails
New Setting: Blind Copy When sending Email to Players
New Setting: Show Date/Time on Schedule
New Setting: Show subs on schedule
New Settings: Max strokes for par 3/4/5 for Net Skins
Preselect a reserved sub automatically when entering scores
9/12/2017 - Version 6.9.2
Automatically choose the sub reserved in the sub request when entering scores
Added net skins settings for max # of strokes on par 3s, 4s and 5s. This replaces the yes/no for "no strokes on par 3s" option
6/22/2017 - Version 6.9.1
Invalid e-mail handling added. Any e-mails returned to the GLT servers will be flagged as invalid and highlighted in the player list
When retrieving schedule, the next round to be played will automatically be pulled up
Implemented some internal e-mail configuration so a mail server can be switched in case of an issue with the primary server
A "switch division" functionality in the mobile menu for leagues with more than 1 division.
Individual Point summary Group Filter
Finalize score matchups finally working properly with subs
5/12/2017 - Version 6.9.0
New Setting: Points for showing up
New Setting: Option for league admins to get copied on sub requests
New Setting: Team leagues, points for low net for A vs B and B vs A matches
New Setting: Points for low Best Ball team net score for 2-player teams
Validation to signup screen so customers have to put in valid e-mail addresses
Season Long Point Summary report: Filter by Player/Team Groups
Set league date option for leagues with custom dates
Improved formatting of tables and charts on various pages
Rewrote e-mail library for more consitent formatted e-mails
Player Dashboard score history tick marks didn't line up with graph
Re-flight option when a sub was playing was not working in certain circumstances
4/4/2017 - Version 6.8.6
New Report: Individual stroke play summary. Allows you to view every score (net or gross) by each player on one screen for the entire season, and to filter those by best or worst X number of scores
Added option to show player/team numbers and names on the intial score entry screen
Sub request page clean up
Sign up page data validation enhancements
Changes Excel export to CSV. Decided to do this because the Excel export required Flash with some browsers, and CSV does not
Updated bootstrap styles which were preventing pages from printing in color
3/27/2017 - Version 6.8.5
New Setting: Minimum points when playing the course
New Setting: Minimum points when playing a sub
3/10/2017 - Version 6.8.4
New Setting: Team points when both players win their individual match play match, as well as the option on how to handle those points if both players do not win (split or drop the extra points).
New Setting: Team points for the team who wins the most individual match play holes.
Added filtering so that only those settings which apply to each league type are displayed.
Added a group filter for the settings to make the categories more readable
Simplified the signup process
Change to the setting for "Max Difference in Score Over Handicap Calculation". Was calculating the limit incorrect under certain circumstances.
Workaround for IE and Safari as they were losing session when deleting scorecards under certain circumstances.
2/24/2017 - Version 6.8.3
New setting: Option to play off low man in net skins
New report: Team Bestball Stroke Play Results. Shows net score for the best ball team
New Handicap padding option. Instead of handicap padding being on or off, you can now specify how many padding scores you want the system to use. Great for leagues who take scores from the whole season to calculate handicap, yet want only a few padding scores for new players
Thorough speed and performance testing of the site, and optimized pages where necessary to decrease loading time.
2/11/2017 - Version 6.8.1
Internal code refactoring
1/27/2017 - Version 6.8.0
Redo of League Setup section for updatable grid for links
Internal rework of some pages and styling, page routing
Added new landing pages for SEO purposes
1/7/2017 - Version 6.7.0
New standings screen which combines rounds for leagues with split tee times into one screen
Added Gift Certificate acceptance
Added the option to use a flat (fixed) skins pot for both gross and net skins
11/21/2016 - Version 6.6.0
18 hole league separate point settings for front and back 9 low net totals
18 hole leagues - display in/out totals when entering scores
Convert stats and several pages to use Bootstrap for responsive design compatibility
10/29/2016 - Version 6.5.0
Settings Module - Ability to change all of your league settings from the admin
Conversion of several pages to .NET from Classic ASP for performance and upgradability improvements
5/2/2016 - Version 6.1.0
Ability to customize which columns you want to see in the league standings screen
Ability to swap order of players when entering scores for 2-man teams (team order or flight order).
Ability to enter multiple e-mail addresses for players
More options for team total handicaps
Added Team Best Ball handicap options
More scorecard printing options
2-man Scramble Format setting so schedule and grouping are calculated correctly
More style tweaks and updates for better tablet/mobile/desktop cross compatibility
Allow a Par 6 to be entered into the course administration
Removed automatic login credentials from e-mails users send
Fix to e-mail limitation from my hosting provider which was affecting some deliveries of sub requests
Workaround for how Chrome is now handling numeric inputs (c'mon guys, get it together! stop changing this!)
Historical scores was requiring rating/slope even when rating/slope wasn't used by the league
Changed the Disqus discussion forum code
Stableford Team Total match points were not calculated corretly in some circumstances
Formatting of 12:00 noon and 12:00 midnight were not correct
3/3/2016 - Version 6.0.0
The ability to edit scorecards and enter partial card
New "Theming". Choose your own color theme!
Complete UI redesign
HTTPS Security
Updated several 3rd party libraries for better graphing and tables
Even better compatibility with mobile devices and tablets.
Improvement to 18-hole reporting
1/1/2016 - Version 5.3.1
9 hole totals for 18 hole leagues on various stats pages
Added a net score display option for the detailed scoresheet
Extra name column for 18 hole scorecards
4/30/2015 - Version 5.2.0
Delete player functionality
Added ability to change tee times for groups by dragging them to the order wanted
Added option to display team/player names in the "All Weeks/All Teams" schedule
Added course handicap calculation for leagues who use rating/slope
Added Team Points Summary stats
Verifying a sub request sometimes cause an error in the system
Move round after rainout sometimes moved it to the incorrect week
Handicap for net skins was sometimes calculated incorrectly, *only for the display in the standings*. Net skin winners were always calculated correct.
3/30/2015 - Version 5.1.0
Added new live chat capability with my customers!
New Season Point Summmary stat which shows points for every week by every team/player on one screen
New login screen and toolbar
Added more validation of schedule maintenance screen to prevent invalid schedules from being entered
Added Carry Over Skins options to carry the pot over to the next week if there were no winners
Added more options for team best ball for handicaps
Change to print scorecard to handle more formats
2/1/2015 - Version 5.0.1
New page to differentiate between new customer and a returning customer to streamline the process
Add new "How to run a golf league" page to help people with an overview of running leagues
Ran system through penatration testing to check for security vulnerabilities
Check if a course is used in the system and don't allow delete if it is
Fix to teams assignment where it was possible to put the same player on two teams
2/5/2015 - Version 5.0.0
Added ability to calculate handicap using course rating and slope rather than par.
Added course rating and slope to the course setup.
Added a function to manage rainouts, with the ability to move a rainout round to another round in the league.
Broke out points for teams and individuals and added reports to include this data.
Added high/low scoring point system
Added a player dashboard to the league home page
Added sorting ability to the player list by name and handicap.
For 2-player team leagues, added ability to save custom contest results for a team in addition to an individual.
Added function to allow administrators to add a week to their league in mid-season.
When a timeout occurs, system will remember which page you were on and forward you to that page after you log in.
Optimized all of the reports for better printing
6/3/2014 - Version 4.8.0
Added the sent date for a sub request to the system
Added an averages summary in the stats, Stroke Play Results screen
Put in checks and balances to prevent scores from being entered on one screen while the schedule is changed on another, and vice versa.
Handicaps less than 0 and > -0.5 were being rounded and displayed as "-0". This is fixed.
5/17/2014 - Version 4.7.0
Added an "out" and "in" column in the printed scorecards for 18 hole leagues.
Setting to limit number of shots a player gets in match play against another opponent
Various related links in the admin.
In the "How Is My Handicap Calculated" screen, include the round in the history which last rolled off the player's score list.
In the auto scheduler for 18 hole leagues, only "front & back" can be chosen
Removed auto selecting sub form drop down when entering scores. The sub was autoselected from the sub request, but the system wasn't updating the handicap correctly.
Any time handicap calculation is done, the "after" handicap is updated for the latest week which is entered. Previously the logic was to update the "after" only if it had not been updated yet. This occasionally caused the "after" handicap to be out of sync with the actual current handicap.
Player Image delete threw an error.
Delete extra tee times if the admin changes the number of players in the league setup.
5/4/2014 - Version 4.6.0
Added a configurable "Tips" section which I can apply to various screens for help, allowing the user to dismiss the messages
Addeed verbiage about AOL DMARC policy for e-mails.
Change the textbox type when entering league links from a textarea to a one line text box.
Changed the net score display style to conform with other scoring styles.
Modified some styles to play nice with FireFox 29
Disable the "Enter Scores" button when the validation on subs/absent players isn't kosher, as well as when the user picks a sub and the system is attempting to update the handicap for that player. System was allowing user to click the button while the update was happening.
Added better help verbiage to the screen for max points for absent players/sub in View League Settings
Update to internal code called DataTables to the latest version for printing/exporting some of the grids.
Highlighted the ScoreCards tab when in the Delete Scorecard function.
Net score was not being displayed correctly in Standings for 18 hole leagues
Time of day was being displayed incorrectly for hours with 2 digits (i.e. 10, 11, 12)
Fixed bad breadcrumb links in the Stats / Contest Winners page
Changed the code to flight the players correctly for 2-player leagues that are set to Static Flights. Subs weren't being flighted correctly
Various code to handle when Handicap % is set to 0. Was causing a divide by 0 error on some pages.
Fixed column alignment on some pages when printing.
Added code to remove extra tee times when an admin reduces the size of their league.
4/26/2014 - Version 4.5.0
Internal changes to how points are related to a player, sub, and course
Added a "custom dates" flag for a league. If a league doesn't play on a weekly basis, GLT support can set specific dates, and prevent the admin from changing them.
Added option of printing strokes on the scorecard using numbers instead of slash marks.
Added another way of sending e-mail by using your default email program on your computer.
Added validation on team setup making sure there that all teams are set before saving.
Option in individual point report to include points won by the course and/or sub for that player.
Removed extra line spaces in the league news.
Increased timeout value for sending large emails.
Styling change to net scores in the detailed scoring sheet.
Fix point display in standings sheet which would errornously show points for an absent player in certain circumstances.
4/17/2014 - Version 4.4.0
Internal code to allow me to clear scores for an entire league easily
Altered some graphics for the buy now option.
Purchase schedule now requires an even number of teams
The calculation of the max weeks for unpaid leagues, making it standard throughout the site
Logic for leagues who don't allow negative handicaps
E-mail optimizations so it plays nicely with the server. This should help in reducing e-mail bounces
Logic in determining team points for team winning the most holes
Record Results throwing an error under certain circumstances for leagues with static flights
Logic in rounding handicaps properly
4/8/2014 - Version 4.3.7
Added options for handicap for team best ball. 1) use same as individual match, 2) use absolute handicaps, and 3) handicap based off low player
Added option in printing scorecards to mark scorecard strokes based off of low player for 2-person team leagues
A couple of broken links in breadcrumbs
4/2/2014 - Version 4.3.6
The ability to edit contest winners instead of deleting and readding them
The format of some reports for better display
Error when recording results under certain combinations for 2-man teams, players without handicaps, and absent players
3/30/2014 - Version 4.3.5
Golf League Tracker partnership information
Added the ability for players to print their own scorecards
Added point value for when team wins the most points
Reserve sub function only allowed once the schedule is complete
Now allowing spaces in the user ID or passwords
Overall team schedule fixed when leagues play on more than 1 course
Sub opt-out request had an error under certain circumstances
3/23/2014 - Version 4.3.4
Ability for players to print their own score cards from the schedule screen
Point calculation bug for points for an individual winning the most holes.
Problem adding a new customer for the referral program
3/21/2014 - Version 4.3.3
Don't show e-mail link for league contacts if an e-mail wasn't entered
Avoid sending duplicate e-mails to players and league admins
Various formatting and making-the-site-pretty fixes.
3/2/2014 - Version 4.3.2
Added an option to have the system not reflight team players based on handicap. By default the system will always take the lower
handicapped player and make them the "A" flight. With this option turned on, flights are set by the league secretary.
2/27/2014 - Version 4.3.1
'View League Settings' weren't showing all of the settings available
Problem generating chart in some stats sections when no scores were available.
Stats totals weren't totally correctly in certain circumstances.
2/26/2014 - Version 4.3.0
New scoring methods for team play added: team totals per hole. Also added the groundwork for other new team piont systems for future revisions.
Scoresheet when recording points altered to incorporate new team totals, as well as a change in the way the scores look for easier viewing.
2/22/2014 - Version 4.2.2
The ability to enter historical scores for players for handicapping purposes
Passed monthly penetration test for security purposes.
Streamlined the header and account settings section
2/16/2014 - Version 4.2.1
New custom league contest section, allows admins to add a contest not tracked by score (e.g. Long Drive, Closest to the pin). You can add as many contest as you like, tracking the winner by week, hole number, distance, money, and player.
New option for 2-person teams which allows the admin to switch the matchup so A filght plays against B flight. This option can be changed in the League Setup admin screen and is effective for any scores going forward.
2/9/2014 - Version 4.2.0
Major mobile site optimizations. Removed the stand alone mobile website and changed styling of main site to be optimized with mobile devices. This will be an ongoing enhancement as new devices are released.
1/27/2014 - Version 4.1.3
Added a drop down to the Detailed Points Scoresheet to display the net score for match play and/or stableford
Miscalculation of stableford points under certain circumstances.
Style enhancements on some pages
1/20/2014 - Version 4.1.2
Added a stroke play leader board in the statistics section for net and gross score
Changed the display of points in the record results setting to ignore whether opponent has
a handicap or not. While this doesn't change the functionality, it gives the display
more consistency.
Fixed some broken links throughout the site
1/17/2014 - Version 4.1.1
Added Microsoft conversion code
Fixed a bug in setting up courses if an empty course name was entered
Fixed a bug in league dates when updating skipped dates
Fixed a bad link in league date admin
Fixed a bug in course summary stats when there was no stats available
1/6/2014 - Version 4.1.0
Scoring options for Stableford Point System
Additonal options for match play scoring in determing match winner
An HTML editor for email, league rules, and league news
New HTML5 charts in the stats section
Enhanced the detailed score sheet to better display points, totals, and net scores
Refactored scoring code to better incorporate future point systems
Change to view league settings to show the new options
1/2/2014 - Version 4.0.3
12/30/2013 - Version 4.0.2
Adjusted the logic in asking if the league should be copied to the new year for leagues who span across the year change. Now the system checks if the last scheduled date is at least 30 days ago before prompting to copy.
Adjusted the logic for the default year drop down for customers whose leagues span the new year.
11/14/2013 - Version 4.0.1
Added optional comment section for tee times to display on the schedule and printed scorecards
11/12/2013 - Version 4.0.0
Major redesign of Golf League Tracker interface
Several internal rewrites to accomodate new scoring features for 2014 (soon to come!)
Added an optional comment section for each tee time for leagues with shotgun starts to indicate starting hole numbers.
Redesign of the league dates setup to (hopefully!) simplify the process.
A second look at design to better accomodate 18 hole leagues
9/23/2013 - Version 3.2.0
A number of new settings for Net Skins:
Handicap %
Max # of Strokes
Half strokes per hole
Option to turn off strokes on par 3s
A number of different views on the standings screen to filter scores for All scores, net skins, gross skins, all absolute net scores.
Standings screen sometimes counted the number of skins incorrectly in the skins summary. Note that the Skins Details in the Stats section is correct.
9/19/2013 - Version 3.1.7
League Scoring summaries. Compiles best scores for individual and teams
9/11/2013 - Version 3.1.6
Course Summary Statistics which ranks each hole by average over/under par
9/9/2013 - Version 3.1.5
Additional error handling to tell me if someone hits a non-existant page on the site
Revamp of the admin pages and flow to better handle the additional options for scorecards and subs
9/5/2013 - Version 3.1.4
Ability of the league administrator to send a sub request on behalf of another player, eliminating the need to verify the request.
Ability of the league administrator to cancel or reinstate outstanding sub requests.
9/2/2013 - Version 3.1.3
The ability to export many of the stats to Excel or PDF with a simple button click
The standings would display a handicap even when a player was absent.
8/29/2013 - Version 3.1.2
Added net score display for several of the statistic pages.
Display showing that league is in test mode overlapped the buttons. Change the style to fix this.
8/27/2013 - Version 3.1.1
Phone numbers not displaying for the player list in the non-admin player list page. Made display of phone numbers consistent through all pages.
Allow the administrator to add a sub reservation even if the match date is in the past.
Fix to stats by year where an error would occur if the player had no scores in the system.
8/23/2013 - Version 3.1.0
Sub Request Feature. Allows a player to request a sub, and a sub can then reserve his spot. Notifications are sent to the original player, and the sub will
appear on the scorecard when printed.
Allow the league admin to manage sub reservations in the admin section without e-mail approvals
Print Scorecard layout altered to accomodate sub request feature, including the sub on the scorecard itself,
and layout more typically like a regular scorecard
Changed layout of Manage Scores admin screen to group similar functionality.
Fix to print scorecards for 18 hole leagues
8/15/2013 - Version 3.0.15
An issue where the system didn't think a schedule was set under certain circumstances.
8/14/2013 - Version 3.0.14
A problem retrieving a matchup when the current week has no schedule set.
8/1/2013 - Version 3.0.13
Style updates so the site renders better in IE7. Please upgrade!!!
Changed some logic in retrieving players when entering scores to prevent retrieval of invalid tee time.
7/27/2013 - Version 3.0.12
A problem calculating net match when the course played for both players in 2-person leagues
7/22/2013 - Version 3.0.11
Better internal issue reporting
Error when a user's session times out on the Choose Players screen, and the admin chooses a sub
7/11/2013 - Version 3.0.10
Changed the logic in determining if the team setup was complete. Giving erroneous results if a player was moved to the inactive list.
7/5/2013 - Version 3.0.9
Review scores screen wouldn't pull up scores if the first score for the week was the course
Tweaked the design for 18 hole leagues so the scores fit better on the screen
Fixed Low Net calculation for 18 hole leagues
Tweaked design of low net screen
6/25/2013 - Version 3.0.8
Maximum points when a player was absent was not being applied in certain circumstances
6/24/2013 - Version 3.0.7
Hide the "Retrieve Matchup" button when the tee time is changed until he page gets refreshed. If a user clicked on the button before the page was refreshed, an error could occur.
Altered the width of the columns in the Record Results screen so the points textbox would fit better.
Fixed a bug in Record Results which could occur under certain circumstances.
Fixed a bug in Stats/Scoring Average where an error would occur when stats were retrieved when no rounds existed.
6/19/2013 - Version 3.0.6
An error occurred when viewing the Detailed Points Sheet when all the scores were not yet entered for the week
6/18/2013 - Version 3.0.5
Admins will now be forced to enter all scorecards before proceeding to the following week.
Discussion forums not working for league names with a ' in their name
6/17/2013 - Version 3.0.4
Standings threw an error when Net score was being calculated for a player without a handicap
Adding a sub from the Enter Scores screen was throwing an error if the player didn't have a handicap entered
6/17/2013 - Version 3.0.3
Standings now allow players to view the standings sheet in Net or Gross score.
6/16/2013 - Version 3.0.2
System not allowing points to be recorded when two players from the same team were absent
6/14/2013 - Version 3.0.1
Fixed a bug in Stats/Scoring Average that threw an error when the number of rounds was zero.
6/14/2013 - Version 3.0.0
Added release notes, and versioning for better tracking of issues and updates.
Several UI enhancements
Internal changes to the way player images are stored which will improve performance.
Added a statistics page called Scoring History to enable a player to see all of their scores from any course compiled into one screen.
Several changes to the way scores are entered. For 2-man teams, if a player is absent, gives the ability to choose either the course, or the teammate to "play for" the absent player.
Warning when a sub is chosen who doesn't have an established handicap
Changed the "Review Scores" screen for the admin which will show just the scores that were entered.
Allows admin to override points for absent players
When Recording Results, default to the first week in which points have yet to be recorded
Ability to change a player handicap when entering scores just for that round