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Limiting Strokes per Hole for Handicapping

You can limit how many strokes will be counted on a hole when calculating handicaps in the "Hole Stroke Limit" section of your league settings. These limits only affect the handicap calculation and not points or total score.

You have the option of setting different maximums for different handicap ranges, although most leagues set the same maximum of "Net Double Bogey" for all players.

Setting Hole Stroke Limits in Golf League Tracker

To set the limits in Golf League Tracker, you will go into your League Settings in the League Setup tab, choose Hole Stroke Limit from the settings category list, and edit one of the values. You can have up to 6 different ranges of handicaps if you want to apply different limits to each range.

Example 1

Set all players to a maximum score of Net Double Bogey per hole:

  • Create a Handicap Range, by default it's set from -99 to 99
  • Choose Net Double Bogey from the drop down list for maximum score

Example 2

Set players below a 10 handicap to a maximum of a 7, and players 10 handicap or more to a maximum of 8:

  • Create a handicap range and set the range from -99 to 10 (this means -99 up to 10, but not including 10)
  • Set the maximum score to 7
  • Create a 2nd handicap range and set the range from 10 to 99
  • Set the maximum score to 8

Adjusting When a Player Has No Handicap

Note that there is an automatic adjustment of +5 when a player has no handicap, and your settings will be ignored. Once a player has a handicap established, the next time handicaps are updated, your adjustments will be applied.