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How To Deal with Rainouts

With Golf League Tracker, you can handle a rainout in a couple of different ways. You must actively tell the system when a rainout occurrs, because Golf League Tracker will not let you skip a round when entering scores. This is to prevent a league administrator from accidentally entering scores into the wrong round number. To manage your rainouts, navigate to:

Administration -> Weekly Admin -> Manage Rainouts.

You will be taken to the screen which will explain your two options for handling the rained out week:

Cancel the Round

When you cancel the round, the round is not made up, it is just that, cancelled. The system goes in and enter "scores" for the cancelled round by making everybody "absent" and giving them 0 points and changing the Round Type to "Cancelled". This will allow you to continue with your league and enter scores for the following round.

Let's say your league is set for 16 rounds of play. Your 10th round is rained out. This means that even though your schedule is set for 16 rounds, you will actually play only 15 rounds of golf. When cancelling a round, your league dates do not change.

Move the Round

When you move the round which was rained out, you can push the round out to the following week (which is the most common way to do it), insert it between any future rounds, or move it to the end of the season. No matter what choice, this will extend your league by one week, assuming you play on a weekly rotation.

After you move a round, the date which was moved will then be "skipped" in the League Dates section. Let's say a portion of your schedule looked like this:

  • Round #8 - July 1st
  • Round #9 - July 8th
  • Round #10 - July 15th
  • Round #11 - July 22th

Your round on July 8th was rained out and you decide to move it to the end of the season after Round #11. Your new schedule would be:

  • Round #8 - July 1st
  • Round #9 - July 15th
  • Round #10 - July 22th
  • Round #11 - July 29th

The matchups scheduled for July 15th and July 22nd did not change, only the round numbers were moved up. The matches which were scheduled for Round #9 are now played on Round #11, and the end of your league was extended by 1 week.

Changing the Side After a Rainout

Depending on how your course handles rainouts, you may need to change the side that you're playing after moving or cancelling a round. You can view/change for the entire season by navigating to:

League Setup -> Step 7 - Scheduling -> Change Course, Side, or Round Type For All Rounds

What is the Recommend Way to Handle Rainouts?

In my own leagues I keep it simple: I move the round which was rained out to the following week. This keeps all the matches in order and simply pushes everything out one week. The reason I believe this works better than moving the schedule to the end of the season is for a couple of reasons:

  • If you have position rounds scheduled, this keeps then in the proper order relative to all other matches
  • If your league is long enough where you play everybody twice (or more), pushing it out a week keeps it so that you will play everybody once before the schedule repeats. If you move the matches to the end of the season, you may end repeating your schedule before you ever play against the opponent which was rained out.