Golf League Tracker can track the winners of any contest you may have (note, Skins can be calculated automatically. See this for more info). Some examples may be a Closest to the Pin contest, Long Drive, Low Net, etc. You can configure your contest to track things such as the hole the contest was won on, if any, the distance recorded, or the amount of money won. Players can then pull up Contest results and see how much money they've won for a week or year to date.
Contests are set up in the League Administration / Contests section. Click the "Add New Contest" button to give your contest a name and configure which options you'd like to track. If you're doing something like Closest to the Pin on multiple holes, DO NOT set up separate contests for each hole, set up a single contest, and configure the contest to track the hole number. When you enter your contest winners, you will type in the hole the Closest to the Pin was won on. You can set up a contest for an individual, or if you're running a 2-player team league, you can configure the contest as a team contest.
Winners are entered in the League Administration / Contest section. Click the "Add Contest Winner" button and you'll be taken to the screen with the current winners you have entered. Click the "Add Winner" button to add a new winner. Simply fill out the form entering the required contest winner information (round #, player, etc) and click Save.
Player can then go to the Stats / Contest Winners section of the reporting and see winners from individual rounds, specific contests, and get year-to-date amount won.
For further help on Contests, see the Demo Video on YouTube.