Golf League Tracker Privacy Policy
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Your privacy is very important to us. Accordingly, we have developed this Policy in order for you to understand how we collect,
use, communicate and disclose and make use of personal information. The following outlines our privacy policy.
Any e-mail, phone number, or any other personal information entered into your golf league will never be sold or given away
by Golf League Tracker to anybody else, ever. However, don't post stuff like someones credit card number, because that's just stupid.
You may occasionally receive an e-mail from the Golf League Tracker administrator to inform you of renewal options and benefits,
or to communicate possible downtime of the website for maintenance, and other website related topics.
E-mails may be sent to players by your league administrator for general communication, and to subs for substitute requests. Subs may opt out of receiving these e-mails.
E-mails are sent using a 3rd party e-mail service provider called By default, Golf League Tracker logs all e-mails sent from its system. It is
possible for e-mail sent from the website to be viewed by the Golf League Tracker system administrator.
This default logging can be turned off in the League settings. Logging enables League Administrators to
view previously sent e-mails and monitor who they were delivered to. E-mail is NOT a secure method of transmitting information, therefore do NOT e-mail or post confidential
information, like credit card numbers or bank accounts. Golf League Tracker does not take any responsibility for a player or user
who posts this information. USE YOUR BRAIN! Ask yourself, would I ever want a stranger to have this information? If NO, DO NOT E-MAIL!!
Golf League Tracker uses a 3rd party payment provider,, for all payment transactions. In doing this, Golf League Tracker
never has any access to your credit card, debit card, or bank information, and that information can never be retrieved, looked up, or stored
by Golf League Tracker.
Golf League Tracker does track visitors usage in an effort to improve performance of the website, and to understand what features
it's customers use the most often, and how long they spend on the site.
Golf League Tracker does implement a live chat option which records the chat for future use and referral.
It is the user's responsibility to insure that their login ID and passwords are only given to players who should have access to the
league information. League administrators have the option to hide players phone numbers and e-mail addresses from other players by modifying
their "Display Settings" within their league configuration
Golf League Tracker hashes and encrypts your passwords so that they cannot be retrieved. As such, if you forget your password, Golf League Tracker cannot lookup or e-mail you
your password. If you forget your password, use the "Forgot Password" function on the login page to reset it.
We are committed to conducting our business in accordance with these principles in order to ensure that the confidentiality of personal information is protected and maintained.